Browse decisions and determinations
This database contains all public Decisions, Determinations, Orders and certain interim Decisions made by the Canadian Transportation Agency since 1988. Some decisions are confidential and are not published.
Ruling type
Showing 61-70 of 141 decisions.
November 10, 2004
APPLICATION by the Regional Municipality of Halton, pursuant to section 32 of the Canada Transportation Act, S.C., 1996, c. 10, to vary Order No. R-13538 of the Railway Transport Committee of the Canadian Transport Commission dated February 2, 1972, to reflect a change in road...
614-R-2004 | Decision | 2004-11-10
October 29, 2004
APPLICATION by Dorien Berteletti and Mary Harvey pursuant to section 102 of the Canada Transportation Act, S.C., 1996, c. 10, for a private crossing at mileage 100.4 of the Canadian National Railway Company's Bala Subdivision, near the town of Orillia, in the province of Ontario....
587-R-2004 | Decision | 2004-10-29
Follow-up - Decision No. 11-AT-R-2005
October 25, 2004
IN THE MATTER OF Decision No. 183-AT-R-2004 dated April 6, 2004 - John Benjamin against VIA Rail Canada Inc.
File No. U3570/03-44
[1] In its Decision No. 183-AT-R-2004 dated April 6, 2004 (hereinafter the Decision), the Canadian...
564-AT-R-2004 | Decision | 2004-10-25
October 21, 2004
APPLICATION by VIA Rail Canada Inc. pursuant to section 32 of the Canada Transportation Act, S.C., 1996, c. 10, for a variance of Decision No. 473-AT-R-2004 dated August 30, 2004.
File No. U3570/94-1-1
On September 29, 2004, VIA Rail Canada Inc. (hereinafter VIA)...
559-AT-R-2004 | Decision | 2004-10-21
October 18, 2004
IN THE MATTER OF an application by the Canadian National Railway Company pursuant to section 32 of the Canada Transportation Act S.C., 1996 c. 10 to rescind Order No. 2001-AGR-133 dated April 9, 2001 relating to the construction, maintenance and use of a road crossing at mileage 33...
2004-R-445 | Order | 2004-10-18
Follow-up - Decision No. 10-AT-R-2005
October 1, 2004
IN THE MATTER OF Decision No. 366-AT-R-2003 dated June 19, 2003, which was a follow-up to Decision No. 632-AT-R-1998 dated December 21, 1998 - VIA Rail Canada Inc.
File No. U3570/98-19
[1] In its Decision No. 632-AT-R-1998 dated...
520-AT-R-2004 | Decision | 2004-10-01
September 16, 2004
IN THE MATTER OF the Railway Interswitching Regulations.
File Nos. T7360-3/02L1820/R2
Pursuant to subsection 36(1) and sections 112 and 128 of the Canada Transportation Act, S.C., 1996, c. 10, the Canadian Transportation Agency hereby makes the attached Regulations Amending...
2004-R-400 | Order | 2004-09-16
September 16, 2004
IN THE MATTER OF certain regulations made under the Canada Transportation Act, S.C. 1996, c. 10.
File Nos. T7360-2-4L1820/O2/04-1
Pursuant to subsection 36(1) and section 128 of the Canada Transportation Act, the Agency hereby amends the regulations set out in the attached...
2004-R-399 | Order | 2004-09-16
September 14, 2004
APPLICATION by Earl T. Mufford and Roy H. Mufford pursuant to section 102 of the Canada Transportation Act, S.C., 1996, c. 10, for a private crossing across and over the Canadian Pacific Railway Company's right of way on the Page Subdivision, in the township of Langley, in the...
485-R-2004 | Decision | 2004-09-14
[1] This is further to Wabush Mines Inc.'s (Wabush) requests for interim relief filed as part of its complaint for level of service of July 30, 2004 against Quebec North Shore and Labrador Railway Company Inc. (QNSL) in which Wabush is seeking:
an interim order requiring QNSL to continue to haul...
LET-R-248-2004 | Letter Decision | 2004-09-07