Decisions and determinations



This database contains all public Decisions, Determinations, Orders and certain interim Decisions made by the Canadian Transportation Agency since 1988. Some decisions are confidential and are not published.

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Displaying 38791 - 38800 of 39706
Decision Decision number Decision date
August 15, 1988 IN THE MATTER OF Canadian Transport Commission, Western Division, Order No. WDR1986-00200, dated August 8, 1986, respecting improvement of the protective devices at the crossing of the railway of Canadian Pacific Limited and Broadway Avenue, in the Town of Redcliff, in the Province...
1988-R-721 1988-08-15
August 15, 1988 IN THE MATTER OF the application of the Canadian National Railway Company, under the provisions of section 119 of the Railway Act, R.S.C. 1970, c. R-2: a) for approval and sanction of Drawing No. 5720-2.302-7 revised May 11, 1988 which is a Plan, Profile and Book of Reference...
1988-R-718 1988-08-15
August 15, 1988 IN THE MATTER OF improvements to the protective devices at the crossing of the railway of Canadian Pacific Limited (hereinafter the Railway Company) and Milan Road (Range Road No. 12), in the Municipality of Milan, in the Province of Quebec, at mileage 14.82 Sherbrooke Subdivision...
1988-R-722 1988-08-15
August 15, 1988 IN THE MATTER OF the application of the Canadian National Railway Company for approval of Plan No. ABD-63.50, revised March 18, 1988, showing changes to the protective devices at the crossing of its railway at mileage 63.50 Bedford Subdivision and King Street, in the Town of Truro...
1988-R-726 1988-08-15
August 15, 1988 IN THE MATTER OF improvements to the protective devices at the crossing of the railway of the Canadian National Railway Company (hereinafter the Railway Company) and 53rd Avenue, in the City of Montreal, in the Province of Quebec, at mileage 0.65 Longue Pointe Spur with headblock...
1988-R-720 1988-08-15
August 13, 1988 IN THE MATTER OF the application by the Canadian National Railway Company for authority to abandon the operation of the Grenville Spur off mileage 15.60 of the Montfort Subdivision between Grenmont (mileage 0.00) and Saint-André Est (mileage 17.70) (hereinafter the branch line) in...
229-R-1988 1988-08-15
August 12, 1988 APPLICATION by Air 2000 Airlines Limited for a licence to operate a Class 9-4 Charter non-scheduled international service using fixed wing aircraft in Group G, from a base at Toronto, Ontario. DECISION: APPLICATION APPROVED SUBJECT TO THE REQUIREMENTS SPECIFIED IN PARAGRAPHS 94(1)(...
230-A-1988 1988-08-12
August 10, 1988 IN THE MATTER OF the application of the Ministry of Forests and Lands of the Province of British Columbia (hereinafter the Applicant) for authority to construct an overhead bridge to carry Morkill Forest Service Road across and over the track of the Canadian National Railway...
1988-R-716 1988-08-10
August 10, 1988 IN THE MATTER OF Railway Transport Committee Order No. R-41083 dated September 10, 1987 respecting the installation of protective devices at the crossing of the railway of the Canadian National Railway Company at mileage 11.64, St. John's Subdivision and Topsail Pond Road, in...
1988-R-713 1988-08-10
August 10, 1988 IN THE MATTER OF sections 227 and 296 of the Railway Act, R.S.C. 1970, c. R-2; and IN THE MATTER OF the loading and unloading of explosives Class 1.1 from railway rolling stock at the Canadian National Railway Company, Mile 122.9, Grande Prairie Subdivision, Gundy, B.C. File No. D...
1988-R-453 1988-08-10