Instructions on filling out the non-Canadian air licence application form

The following describes what information to provide in the non-Canadian air licence application form. See Applying for an air carrier licence for details.

Section A: Application type

Select all proposed services that apply:

  • A scheduled international service is a scheduled service operated under the terms of an agreement or arrangement between the Government of Canada and another country.
  • A non-scheduled international service is an international service other than a scheduled international service.

If you are applying for a licence to operate both a scheduled international service and a non-scheduled international service, both types of services must be reflected in your supporting documents:

Section B: Nature of proposed service

Identify whether the proposed service is for passenger or all-cargo.

  • Passenger service: the transportation of passengers and goods on aircraft equipped for the carriage of passengers
  • All-cargo service: the transportation of goods on aircraft equipped for the carriage of goods only

Section C:  Applicant information

Legal name

Enter the legal name of the business enterprise applying for the licence.

The legal name must correspond exactly with the name indicated on the formation/creation documents of the business enterprise, as indicated below:

Business typeBusiness document
Corporation Certificate of Incorporation issued by the jurisdiction where it was incorporated.
Limited liability company Articles of organization / formation, stating the full name of each member, and firm name of the limited liability company.
Other Valid document indicating the firm name

The legal name must also match the name provided on all documents supporting an application, including:

Discrepancies must be corrected before applying to the Agency.

Trade name

Paragraph 18(c) of the ATR provides that licensees must not operate an international service, or represent by advertisement or otherwise the licensee as operating such a service, under a different name from the one specified in the licence.

If applicable, list all trade names under which the business enterprise intends to operate its air services to or from Canada.

This includes all trade names under which the air services will be sold, caused to be sold or publicly offered for sale in Canada.

Head office

The address provided must be the applicant’s head office address.

Indicate the name, title, email address, phone number and fax number for an individual at the applicant’s head office that the Agency may contact.

Section D:  Contact information

Section 84 of the Act states that licensees must have a place of business or an agent in Canada. 

If you have a place of business in Canada:

  • select the appropriate box and enter the address of the principle place of business in Canada;
  • enter the contact person information at that location.

If you have an agent in Canada:

  • select the appropriate box and enter the firm or company name of the agent;
  • enter the contact information and address of the agent in Canada.

Section E: Supporting documents

All applications must be accompanied by the supporting documents.

All non-U.S. applicants for a licence to operate a scheduled international service must be designated by their home country to operate a scheduled international service under the terms of an agreement or arrangement.

Incomplete applications will not be considered for further processing, and may be returned. 

Section F:  Declaration of applicant


By signing the form on behalf of the applicant, you declare to the Agency that:

  1. You are an authorized signing officer of the applicant and as such have knowledge of all matters declared in the application.
  2. You certify that the information given is true, accurate and complete to the best of your knowledge.
  3. You certify that, within the preceding twelve months, the applicant has not contravened Section 59 of the Act (by selling, causing to be sold or publicly offering for sale in Canada an air service without the required licence) with regards to the air service for which they are now applying for a licence.
  4. The applicant undertakes that it will not sell, cause to sell or publicly offer for sale in Canada an air service without holding the required licence.


The declaration must be signed by:

  • an officer of the corporation duly authorized to execute such documents under seal, if any, on behalf of the corporation, if a corporation;
  • the owner, if a proprietorship (i.e. an individual);
  • a member, if a limited liability company; or
  • each partner, if a partnership.

Making false or misleading statements, or providing false or misleading information to the Agency is prohibited by the Act. Those who contravene the Act are guilty of an offence punishable on summary conviction and liable to fines (sections 173 and 174 of the Act).