
Displaying 61 - 70 of 201 publications

The Quarterly Financial Report provides financial information for the quarter and fiscal year-to-date, as well as comparative financial information for the preceding fiscal year. The report also provides a statement outlining the results, risks and significant changes in operations, personnel and programs during the quarter.

This is a guide for rail shippers and other freight rail stakeholders. It explains what information would be helpful for you to provide if you believe the CTA should open – or it has already opened – an "own-motion" investigation (OMI) into possible rail service issues. In particular, the guide explains:

  • the purpose of OMIs;
  • the information the CTA needs to open an OMI;
  • the kinds of information you could provide; and
  • the key OMI question your information helps answer.
2021-07-28 | Guides
Read the pdf (372 KB) Introduction On August 28, 2020, the Canadian Transportation...
2021-07-23 |
Read the pdf (431 KB) Introduction The COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent collapse of...
2021-07-02 |
Read the pdf (494 KB) Disclaimer: This is not a legal document. The explanations and definitions it provides...
2021-06-18 | Guides
Read the pdf (420 KB) 1. Introduction All airlines licensed by the Canadian...
2021-06-18 | Guides
Read the pdf (403 KB) Disclaimer: This is not a legal document....
2021-06-18 | Guides

This is a guide for shippers. It explains:

  • shippers' right to railway service in Canada;
  • the level of service the railway must provide (adequate and suitable);
  • the two ways of getting service terms and a rate (contracts and tariffs);
  • the right some shippers have to interswitching (the transfer of freight between two railways) at a regulated rate; and
  • shippers' options for resolving disputes about service and rates.
2021-03-08 | Guides

The Quarterly Financial Report provides financial information for the quarter and fiscal year-to-date, as well as comparative financial information for the preceding fiscal year. The report also provides a statement outlining the results, risks and significant changes in operations, personnel and programs during the quarter.

Read the pdf (358 KB) Introduction The Crown has a duty to consult Indigenous peoples when it contemplates an action, such as a...
2021-03-01 | Guidelines