
Displaying 11 - 20 of 203 publications
Statement of Management Responsibility Including Internal Control Over Financial Reporting Responsibility for the integrity and objectivity of the...
Read the pdf (535 KB) Watch the ASL video Progress report summary ASL version of the Progress...
2023-12-28 |

This is a guide for different levels of governments in Canada, including urban transit authorities, as well as others who want to acquire railway lines, sidings, or spurs that a railway plans to discontinue. If those involved cannot agree on the value of the line being discontinued (including the land, track assets, or other materials or structures), the CTA can help. The guide describes:

  • steps the railway must follow before discontinuing a line (including offering to sell, lease, or transfer the line to someone else);
  • what "net salvage value" means and how it is calculated;
  • the different CTA services available for assessing or setting net salvage values;
  • how to apply for the CTA service you want, including what information to send us;
  • what happens once you apply (steps and timelines); and
  • some past CTA decisions involving net salvage values.

See also: Transfer and Discontinuance of Railway Line Operations and Railway Track Determinations: A Resource Tool.

2023-12-11 | Guidelines

This guide explains:

  • Which transportation service provider personnel must be trained;
  • The topics that training programs must cover;
  • Timelines for training;
  • Supervision of untrained personnel;
  • The duty to inform personnel of new developments impacting persons with disabilities;
  • The preparation of training programs, including consultation with persons with disabilities; and
  • The provision of information about training programs on request.

A plain language summary of the Personnel Training for the Assistance of Travelers with Disabilities Guide is available.

2023-12-06 | Guides

This quarterly financial report has been prepared by management as required by section 65.1 of the Financial Administration Act and in the form and manner prescribed by the Treasury Board under the Treasury Board Directive on Accounting Standards: GC 4400 Departmental Quarterly Financial Report. It should be read in conjunction with the Main Estimates and Supplementary Estimates for the current year.

On June 22, 2023, the Budget Implementation Act, 2023, No. 1 (BIA) received Royal Assent and came into force. It amended the Canada Transportation Act (the Act) to clarify, simplify and strengthen Canada's air passenger protection regime. It requires airlines to provide compensation for inconvenience to passengers when there is a flight disruption, unless there are exceptional circumstances. It also puts the burden on airlines to prove the situation is an exceptional circumstance. The Canadian Transportation Agency (CTA) must amend the Air Passenger Protection Regulations (APPR) to reflect the changes made to the Act.

Proposed regulatory changes were developed to respond to the new requirements of the Act and to address implementation issues that had been noted since the APPR came into force in 2019. The CTA published a consultation paper on the proposed regulatory changes and sought feedback from the public, consumer organizations, industry stakeholders and academics from July 11, 2023 to August 10, 2023.

2023-11-15 |

Departmental Result Reports (DRR) are individual department and agency accounts of actual performance, for the most recently completed fiscal year, against the plans, priorities and expected results set out in their respective Departmental Plans. DRRs inform parliamentarians and Canadians of the results achieved by government organizations for Canadians.

Read the pdf (1.4 MB) Executive Summary The Canadian Transportation Agency (the Agency) is committed to advancing sustainable...

The Privacy Act (PA), enacted in 1983, imposes obligations on federal institutions to ensure that privacy rights of individuals are respected. The PA grants Canadian citizens, permanent residents and persons present in Canada the right to access their personal information held by institutions subject to the PA and to request corrections. The PA also establishes a legal framework governing the collection, retention, use, disclosure, processing, disposal and accuracy of personal information in the delivery of programs and activities of institutions subject to the PA.

This Annual Report is tabled in Parliament under section 72 of the PA. This report describes how the Canadian Transportation Agency (Agency) fulfilled its responsibilities under the PA for the period beginning April 1, 2022, and ending March 31, 2023.

2023-10-18 |

The Access to Information Act (ATIA), enacted in 1983, grants Canadian citizens, permanent residents and any person or corporation present in Canada the right to access the records of federal institutions subject to the ATIA. This right enables individuals to access or obtain copies of records of a government institution, subject to specific and limited circumstances under the ATIA. The ATIA complements other policies and procedures to make government information available to the public, such as open-government initiatives and proactive disclosure.

This Annual Report is tabled in Parliament under section 94 of the ATIA and section 20 of the Service Fees Act. This report describes how the Canadian Transportation Agency (Agency) fulfilled its responsibilities under these acts for the period beginning April 1, 2022 and ending March 31, 2023.

2023-10-18 |