Decision No. 159-A-2023

December 5, 2023

Application by PANORAMA HELICOPTERS LTD / HÉLICOPTÈRES PANORAMA LTÉE (Panorama) to rescind Order 2023-A-S-246 pursuant to section 32 of the Canada Transportation Act, SC 1996, c 10 (CTA)

Case number: 

[1] Panorama filed an application with the Canadian Transportation Agency (Agency) to rescind Order 2023-A-S-246 (Order), issued on October 3, 2023.

[2] In the Order, the Agency suspended Panorama’s licences 000184 and 000185 (licences) due to the fact that Panorama had ceased to meet the requirement to have the prescribed liability insurance coverage under subparagraphs 61(a)(iii) and 73(1)(a)(iii) of the CTA. The Agency suspended the licences after receiving notice from the insurance broker on file that the certificate of insurance demonstrating that Panorama had the appropriate insurance was cancelled with immediate effect.

[3] Once Panorama became aware of the Order, it contacted its new insurance broker who submitted to the Agency a certificate of insurance, dated October 11, 2023, attesting that Panorama meets the regulatory requirements. The licences were then reinstated.

[4] On November 22, 2023, Panorama provided the Agency with a letter from Global Aerospace Underwriting Managers (Canada) Limited, the issuer of its liability insurance coverage, which indicated that the insurance was still in effect and had not been cancelled, including during the suspension period from October 3 to 11, 2023.

[5] Pursuant to section 32 of the CTA, the Agency may review, rescind or vary an order if there has been a change in the facts since the issuance of the order.

[6] The Agency is satisfied that once Panorama became aware of the Order, it took the necessary steps to sort out its file and demonstrate that it always maintained prescribed liability insurance coverage.

[7] The Agency concludes that this information consists of new facts since the issuance of the Order, and that these facts are sufficient to warrant its rescission.

[8] Accordingly, the Order is rescinded.

Legislation or Tariff referenced Numeric identifier (section, subsection, rule, etc.)
Canada Transportation Act, SC 1996, c 10 32


Elizabeth C. Barker
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