Order No. 1988-R-1181

December 15, 1988

December 15, 1988

IN THE MATTER OF the application of the Canadian National Railway Company for approval of Plan No. MBF-82.20 dated April 18, 1988, showing changes to the protective devices at the crossing of its railway at mileage 82.20 Blackfoot Subdivision and Highway No. 303 near Lloydminster, in the Province of Saskatchewan; and

IN THE MATTER OF Canadian Transport Commission, Western Division, Order No. WDR1985-00131, dated July 17, 1985, respecting approval of changes to the protective devices and Plan No. 470/101A3 revised to February 7, 1985.

File No. 27467.101

WHEREAS section 6 of the Highway Crossings Protective Devices Regulations, General Order No. E-6, C.R.C. 1978, c. 1183 states that the plans, showing the layout and other information specified in section 5 of the regulations, shall be filed by the railway company with the Agency for approval by one of its engineers;

WHEREAS the National Transportation Agency has previously approved changes to such plans by an order;

WHEREAS the Agency considers that approval of plans showing changes to the layout, or other information, should be consistent with the procedure for approval of the original plan, such changes to plans shall now be approved by one of the Agency's engineers; and

WHEREAS Plan No. MBF-82.20 dated April 18, 1988, has now been approved by one of the Agency's engineers.

UPON reading the submissions filed,


Canadian Transport Commission, Western Division, Order No. WDR1985-00131, dated July 17, 1985, is no longer in effect.

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