Order No. 1988-R-716

August 10, 1988

August 10, 1988

IN THE MATTER OF the application of the Ministry of Forests and Lands of the Province of British Columbia (hereinafter the Applicant) for authority to construct an overhead bridge to carry Morkill Forest Service Road across and over the track of the Canadian National Railway Company at Crescent Spur, in the Province of British Columbia, at mileage 34.96 Fraser Subdivision, as shown on Drawing No. 380-01-3, Revision 2, dated January 28, 1988, on file with the Agency.

File No. 30213.588

UPON reading the submissions filed and upon the consent of the Applicant,


  1. The Applicant is authorized to construct and maintain, at its own expense, the said overhead bridge, as shown on the said Drawing.
  2. The said overhead bridge shall be constructed in compliance with the requirements of the Railway Grade Separations Regulations General Order No. E-5, C.R.C. 1978, c. 1191.
  3. Detail plans of the said overhead bridge shall be submitted to, and approved by an Engineer of the Agency before construction is commenced.
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