Order No. 1988-R-721

August 15, 1988

August 15, 1988

IN THE MATTER OF Canadian Transport Commission, Western Division, Order No. WDR1986-00200, dated August 8, 1986, respecting improvement of the protective devices at the crossing of the railway of Canadian Pacific Limited and Broadway Avenue, in the Town of Redcliff, in the Province of Alberta, at mileage 5.25 Brooks Subdivision.

File No. 27811.1714

WHEREAS Clause 3 of the said Order authorized a payment of eighty per cent of the cost of the work or the sum of $8,960., whichever is the lesser, out of the moneys appropriated by Parliament for the purposes of the Railway Relocation and Crossing Act, S.C. 1974, c. 12;

WHEREAS the cost of the work has exceeded the original estimate on which the payment was based; and

WHEREAS the total cost of the work has been determined by the Agency to be $12,450.39.

UPON reading the submissions filed,


An additional amount of $1,000.31, towards the cost of the work, as authorized by the said Canadian Transport Commission, Western Division, Order No. WDR1986-00200, dated August 8, 1986, shall be authorized to be paid out of the moneys appropriated by Parliament for the purposes of the Railway Relocation and Crossing Act.

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