Order No. 1990-A-590

October 19, 1990

October 19, 1990

IN THE MATTER OF Decision No. 343-A-1988 dated September 23, 1988 - Air Ontario Inc.

File No. 2-A821-22A

WHEREAS under Licence No. A.T.C. 2991/79(C), Air Ontario Inc. (hereinafter the Licensee) was authorized to operate a Class 4 Charter commercial air service using fixed wing aircraft in Group D, from a base at Red Lake, Ontario;

AND WHEREAS by Decision No. 343-A-1988 dated September 23, 1988, the National Transportation Agency (hereinafter the Agency) approved an application filed by the Licensee for authority to also use fixed wing aircraft in Groups C and E under Licence No. A.T.C. 2991/79(C), subject to meeting the licence issuance requirements of the Agency;

AND WHEREAS on November 4, 1988, the Agency issued Licence No. 883037 in replacement of Licence No. A.T.C. 2991/79(C), pursuant to subsection 109(3) of the National Transportation Act, 1987, R.S.C., 1985, c. 28 (3rd Supp.). Licence No. 883037 authorized the Licensee to operate a Class 4 Charter domestic service using fixed wing aircraft in Group D, from a base at Red Lake, Ontario;

AND WHEREAS by Decision No. 55-A-1990 dated February 5, 1990, the Agency approved an application filed by the Licensee for cancellation of, inter alia, Licence No. 883037;

AND WHEREAS the Agency has found that, pursuant to section 41 of the National Transportation Act, 1987, there has been a change in the facts or circumstances pertaining to Decision No. 343-A-1988 since it was issued;

AND WHEREAS the Agency has considered the matter and is of the opinion that Decision No. 343-A-1988 should be rescinded.


Decision No. 343-A-1988 dated September 23, 1988 is hereby rescinded.

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