Order No. 1990-R-707

December 10, 1990

December 10, 1990

IN THE MATTER OF Order No. WDR1987-118 of the Western Division, of the Canadian Transport Commission, dated May 7, 1987, which authorized the Department of Transportation of the Province of Alberta (hereinafter the applicant) to widen Secondary Road No. 580 where it crosses at grade the track of Canadian Pacific Limited (hereinafter the railway company) at mileage 36.98 Red Deer Subdivision, north of Section 33, Township 29, Range 1, west of the Fifth Meridian, in the Province of Alberta, as shown on Plan No. 580:02-3 dated August 28, 1986 (hereinafter the Plan), on file with the National Transportation Agency (hereinafter the Agency).

File No. R 8050/201-036.98

WHEREAS the Agency has been advised that the applicant has no immediate plan to proceed with the widening of the crossing at grade;

AND WHEREAS the applicant has requested that Order No. WDR1987-118 of the Western Division, of the Canadian Transport Commission, be rescinded;

AND WHEREAS the railway company has no objection to the proposed rescinding of the Order;

AND WHEREAS the Agency has reviewed the submissions filed.


Order No. WDR1987-118 of the Western Division, of the Canadian Transport Commission, dated May 7, 1987 is hereby rescinded.

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