Order No. 1991-A-433

August 16, 1991

August 16, 1991

IN THE MATTER OF Decision No. WDA1987-150-10998 dated September 3, 1987 - Wapiti Valley Air Ltd.

File No. 2-W402-1

WHEREAS by Decision No. WDA1987-150-10998 dated September 3, 1987, Wapiti Valley Air Ltd. (hereinafter the applicant) was granted authority to operate a Class 4 Charter commercial air service using fixed wing aircraft in Group A, from a base at Nipawin, Saskatchewan, subject to meeting the requirements of the Canadian Transport Commission as applicable;

AND WHEREAS by letter dated February 19, 1988, the applicant was advised of the requirements for licence issuance of the National Transportation Agency (hereinafter the Agency) and the need to comply with them by June 30, 1988;

AND WHEREAS since the date of the Decision, the applicant was granted numerous extensions of time to meet the requirements of the Agency for licence issuance and has failed to do so;

AND WHEREAS by registered letter dated January 30, 1991, the applicant was granted until July 31, 1991 to comply with the requirements of the Agency with respect to licence issuance and was further advised that failure to meet the above requirements would result in Decision No. WDA-150-10998 being rescinded without further notice;

AND WHEREAS the Acknowledgement of Receipt Card evidencing receipt of the registered letter dated January 30, 1991 by the applicant on February 4, 1991 is on file with the Agency;

AND WHEREAS to date, the applicant has failed to establish to the satisfaction of the Agency that it has the qualifications necessary for licence issuance or to respond to the aforementioned show cause letter;

AND WHEREAS the Agency has considered the matter and is of the opinion that Decision No. WDA1987-150-10998 should be rescinded.


Decision No. WDA1987-150-10998 dated September 3, 1987 is hereby rescinded.

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