Order No. 1991-R-11
January 9, 1991
IN THE MATTER OF an application by Canadian Pacific Limited (hereinafter the applicant), pursuant to section 160 of the National Transportation Act, 1987, R.S.C., 1985, c. 28 (3rd Supp.) (hereinafter the NTA, 1987), for authority to abandon the operation of the segment of the Shogomoc Subdivision from mileage 0.0 to mileage 51.5 (hereinafter the branch line), a total distance of 51.5 miles, in the Province of New Brunswick.
File No. T 6120/226
WHEREAS the application was received by the National Transportation Agency (hereinafter the Agency) on June 6, 1990;
AND WHEREAS notice of the application was given by the applicant pursuant to subsection 160(5) of the NTA, 1987;
AND WHEREAS opposition to the proposed abandonment of the operation of the branch line was received by the Agency within the period set out in section 161 of the NTA, 1987;
AND WHEREAS certain interveners argued that the applicant could not file the application for the abandonment of the branch line since it only leases the branch line from the New Brunswick Railway Company. The Agency notes, however, that pursuant to section 160 of the NTA, 1987, a railway company authorized to operate a branch line may make an application to the Agency for the abandonment of the operation of this branch line, and the Agency shall consider the application;
AND WHEREAS certain interveners argued that the applicant cannot abandon the operation of the branch line because of a statutory obligation binding the New Brunswick Railway Company and the Province of New Brunswick. The Agency is, however, of the opinion that this statutory obligation does not transfer to the applicant;
AND WHEREAS certain interveners asked that the Agency suspend its consideration of this application since an appeal has been filed with the Federal Court of Appeal against Agency Order No. 1989-R-90 dated May 12, 1989 and since that Order has been stayed preventing its execution. Pursuant to the NTA, 1987, the Agency is, however, required to render a decision in respect of the present application;
AND WHEREAS certain interveners argued that abandonment of the branch line would isolate other railway lines and train services. The Agency finds, however, that the evidence submitted on train operations, track location and traffic regarding the branch line indicates that this branch line is independent of the branch lines involved in the Agency Order No. 1989-R-90 and of other branch lines operated by the applicant in the same region which are currently being considered under other abandonment applications filed with the Agency;
AND WHEREAS interveners claimed that the applicant understated its revenue generating traffic by not reporting the traffic regarding the carriage of ties and timbers purchased by the applicant for its own use. The Agency has confirmed that the traffic in question consisted of movements of timbers and ties for the use of the applicant only, is construed to be on-company-service traffic and has been properly accounted for by the applicant and excluded from its claimed losses. The Agency has also excluded this traffic and the costs related thereto, pursuant to paragraph 157(3)(a) of the NTA, 1987, in its determination of the amounts of the actual losses attributable to the operation of the branch line;
AND WHEREAS the Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees argued that the applicant had inflated the maintenance material costs. The Agency has, however, verified that the applicant has correctly reported these costs;
AND WHEREAS pursuant to section 163 of the NTA, 1987, the Agency made an interim determination of the amounts of the actual losses incurred by the applicant in the operation of the branch line and caused such determination to be issued by notice dated October 25, 1990;
AND WHEREAS certain interveners suggested that the costs of operating the branch line should be based upon the costs of operations of the Canadian Atlantic Railway rather than upon the costs of operations of the applicant. The Agency, has found that, wherever possible, all on-line costs are in fact Canadian Atlantic Railway costs specific to the operation of the branch line. In addition, all costs have been approved as being in accordance with the regulations governing costing methodology and with Agency policy on branch line specific costing methods for economic determinations;
AND WHEREAS the applicant objected to the costing methodology and to the adjustments made by the Agency to claimed costs submitted by the applicant in order to subtract costs related to bridge traffic which the Agency determined should not be allowed for the purposes of its interim determination of the actual losses and of its determination of the economic status of the branch line. The Agency, upon consideration of this submission of the applicant and alternative bridge traffic cost adjustment proposal, which did have merit, found that the proposal was not supported by cost data in this specific application. The Agency has, therefore, concluded that the adjustments made by the Agency with respect to claimed costs of the applicant should stand;
AND WHEREAS McCain Foods Limited, W.K. Kitchen Lumber and the Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees submitted evidence of a forecast increase in traffic. The Agency notes, however, that the traffic increase forecast does not pertain to the operation of the branch line;
AND WHEREAS there was no other evidence provided by any of the interveners or any shippers located on the branch line which indicated that the branch line could become economic;
AND WHEREAS no offer to purchase the branch line has been made pursuant to section 174 of the NTA, 1987 within the period prescribed in section 161 of the NTA, 1987;
AND WHEREAS the final determination of the amount of the actual loss incurred by the applicant in the operation of the branch line in each of the prescribed financial years reads as follows:
Year | Actual loss ($) | Carload Traffic | Actual Loss Per Carload ($) |
1987 | 107 417 | 7 | 15345 |
1988 | 259 423 | 0 | not applicable |
1989 | 263 061 | 0 | not applicable |
AND WHEREAS McCain Foods Limited, the New Brunswick Railway Company, the Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees, the Ministry of Transport of the Province of New Brunswick and the Federation of Labour of the Province of New Brunswick requested that the Agency hold a public hearing on this application;
AND WHEREAS the Agency has considered the material received and on file related to the subject application.
- Determines that a public hearing is not necessary and that the Decision can be made on the information on file.
- Determines that the branch line is uneconomic and that there is no reasonable probability of its becoming economic in the foreseeable future.
In compliance with subsection 165(1) of the NTA, 1987, the applicant shall abandon the operation of the segment of the Shogomoc Subdivision from mileage 0.0 to mileage 51.5, a total distance of 51.5 miles, in the Province of New Brunswick thirty (30) days from the date of this Order.
The applicant advise the undersigned in writing of the dates upon which:
i) the operation of the segment of the Shogomoc Subdivision from mileage 0.0 to mileage 51.5 has been abandoned, and
ii) the trackage and other facilities were removed.
- Date modified: