Order No. 1997-AGR-502

August 5, 1997

August 5, 1997

IN THE MATTER OF an agreement between the City of Portage La Prairie and the Canadian Pacific Railway Company , pursuant to subsection 101(2) of the Canada Transportation Act, S.C., 1996, c. 10, relating to the installation of a crossing warning signal system at Stephens Avenue and mileage 54.54 Carberry Subdivision, in the city of Portage La Prairie, in the province of Manitoba.

File No. R 8050/035-054.54

WHEREAS an agreement between the City of Portage La Prairie and the Canadian Pacific Railway Company was filed with the Canadian Transportation Agency (hereinafter the Agency) on June 11, 1997;

AND WHEREAS pursuant to subsection 101(2) of the Canada Transportation Act, the above-noted Agreement becomes an order of the Agency authorizing the parties to construct or maintain the crossing, or apportioning the costs, as provided in the Agreement.


Pursuant to subsection 101(2) of the Canada Transportation Act, the above-noted Agreement becomes an order of the Agency as of June 11, 1997.

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