Order No. 2013-A-339

October 31, 2013

CANCELLATION of Ocean Sky (UK) Limited’s Licence No. 090119.

File No.: 

In its Decision No. 356-A-2012 dated September 12, 2012, the Canadian Transportation Agency (Agency) suspended the non-scheduled international licence of Ocean Sky (UK) Limited (Licensee). The Licensee was provided with one year to file an application to reinstate the licence.

To date, the Licensee has failed to file an application to reinstate the licence. Also, the Licensee does not have the prescribed liability insurance coverage.

The Agency concludes that the Licensee does not meet the applicable requirements of the Canada Transportation Act, S.C., 1996, c. 10, as amended (CTA).

Pursuant to paragraph 75(1)(b) of the CTA, the Agency must cancel the licence.

Accordingly, the Agency, pursuant to paragraph 75(1)(b) of the CTA, cancels the licence.


Jean-Denis Pelletier, P.Eng.
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