Decision No. 204-A-1991

April 30, 1991

April 30, 1991

APPLICATION by Northwestern Air Lease Ltd. for cancellation of the authority to serve the point Pine Point, Northwest Territories under Licence No. 880141.

File No. M4205-N81-3-1

Docket No. 910421

Under Licence No. 880141, Northwestern Air Lease Ltd. (hereinafter the Licensee) is authorized to operate a Class 3 Specific Point domestic service, serving the points Hay River, Pine Point, Fort Smith, Fort Simpson, Yellowknife and Wrigley, Northwest Territories; Uranium City, Stony Rapids, Fond du Lac and Camsel Portage, Saskatchewan; Fort Chipewyan, High Level and Edmonton, Alberta.

By letter dated April 17, 1991, the Licensee has requested the cancellation of Licence No. 880141 in respect of the authority to serve the point Pine Point.

The Licensee advised the Agency that section 76 of the National Transportation Act, 1987, R.S.C., 1985, c. 28 (3rd Supp.), is not applicable with respect to notice to be given on this matter.

The Agency notes that no service has been provided to this point for over a year and finds that section 76 of the National Transportation Act, 1987 does not apply in this case.

The authority to serve the point Pine Point under Licence No. 880141 is hereby cancelled pursuant to subsection 75(2) of the National Transportation Act, 1987.

A new document of licence, bearing Licence No. 880141, authorizing Northwestern Air Lease Ltd. to operate a Class 3 Specific Point domestic service serving the points Hay River, Fort Smith, Fort Simpson, Yellowknife and Wrigley, Northwest Territories; Uranium City, Stony Rapids, Fond du Lac and Camsel Portage, Saskatchewan; Fort Chipewyan, High Level and Edmonton, Alberta, will issue.

Accordingly, Condition No. 3 of Licence No. 880141 is hereby amended by deleting reference to Pine Point, Northwest Territories.

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