Decision No. 217-A-1988

August 5, 1988

August 5, 1988

APPLICATION by Peacock's Yukon Camps Ltd. for amendment of Licence No. 880139 by deleting Condition No. 2.


File No. M4205-P108-4

Docket No. 88325

Peacock's Yukon Camps Ltd. (hereinafter the applicant) has applied to the National Transportation Agency for the amendment set out in the title. The application was received on June 1, 1988.

Under Licence No. 880139, the applicant is authorized to operate a Class 4 Charter domestic service using fixed wing aircraft in Group A, from a base at Whitehorse, Yukon Territory.

Condition No. 2 of Licence No. 880139 reads as follows:

The Licensee is restricted to serving the transportation requirements of the registered guests, employees and workmen (including luggage, material and supplies) of Peacock's Yukon Camps Ltd.

Notice of the application was posted at the local post office of Whitehorse and copies of the notice were sent to selected air carriers and to others believed to be interested. No interventions opposing the granting of the application were filed with the Agency. Accordingly, the application is hereby approved.

To preserve the integrity of the Class 1 Scheduled domestic services and the Class 2 Regular Specific Point domestic services in the designated area, the Agency deems it in the public interest to make the new licence to be issued pursuant to this Decision subject to the condition respecting route protection contained in the attachment.

Licence No. 880139 is hereby amended by deleting Condition No. 2, and by adding the condition respecting route protection contained in the attachment, which is hereby made a part of this Decision.

A new document of licence, bearing Licence No. 880139, will be issued to Peacock's Yukon Camps Ltd. upon the applicant establishing to the satisfaction of the Agency that it meets the requirements set out in paragraph 72(2)(a) of the National Transportation Act, 1987, S.C. 1987, c. 34.

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