Decision No. 232-W-2006

April 18, 2006

April 18, 2006

APPLICATION by Excursions Nautiques Hargo Inc. pursuant to the Coasting Trade Act, S.C., 1992, c. 31, for a licence to use the "MARDI GRAS II", a small American passenger-cruise vessel, to be offered for bare boat chartering, on a weekly basis, on the Saint John River, between Saint John and Fredericton, New Brunswick, during the period commencing on June 1 and ending on October 31, 2006.

File No. W9125/E7/06-1

Excursions Nautiques Hargo Inc. has applied to the Minister of National Revenue for a licence to operate the service set out in the title. The matter was referred to the Canadian Transportation Agency on April 5, 2006.

The Canadian Transportation Agency conducted a search of the relevant portion of the marine industry and has determined pursuant to subsection 8(1) of the Coasting Trade Act that there is no suitable Canadian ship available to provide the service or perform the activities described in the application, and that there is no identical or similar adequate marine service available from any person operating one or more Canadian ships.

This determination will be provided to the Minister of National Revenue for any necessary action as provided for in the Coasting Trade Act.

This Decision does not constitute an authority to commence operations in respect of the service for which application has been made.


  • Baljinder Gill
  • Mary-Jane Bennett
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