Decision No. 298-R-2006

May 23, 2006

May 23, 2006

APPLICATION by the Ministry of Transportation of the Province of British Columbia, pursuant to section 32 of the Canada Transportation Act, S.C., 1996, c. 10, to vary Order No. 114624 of the Board of Transport Commissioners for Canada dated June 4, 1964 and Order No. R-685 of the Railway Transport Committee of the Canadian Transport Commission dated November 27, 1967 to reflect the relocation of the road crossing (Munroe Lake Road) from mileage 12.00 to mileage 12.08 Moyie Subdivision (formerly Nelson Subdivision), southwest of Cranbrook, in the province of British Columbia.

File No. R 8050/1158-012.00

On January 23, 2006, the Ministry of Transportation of the Province of British Columbia filed with the Canadian Transportation Agency (hereinafter the Agency) the application set out in the title.

On February 27, 2006, the Canadian Pacific Railway Company filed its answer, indicating that it concurs with the application.

The Agency has reviewed the submissions filed and takes note of the agreement of the parties, as well as the fact that the relocation of the road crossing has been executed in accordance with Crossing Plan No. R2-586-701.

Furthermore, the Agency has found, pursuant to section 32 of the Canada Transportation Act (hereinafter the CTA), that there has been a change in the facts or circumstances pertaining to Order Nos. 114624 and R-685 since they were issued and that these Orders should be varied.

Accordingly, the Agency pursuant to section 32 of the CTA, hereby varies Order No. 114624 dated June 4, 1964 and Order No. R-685 dated November 27, 1967 to reflect the relocation of the road crossing from mileage 12.00 to mileage 12.08 Moyie Subdivision.


  • Mary-Jane Bennett
  • Baljinder Gill
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