Determination No. A-2023-191

September 26, 2023

APPLICATION by RWANDAIR Ltd (applicant) pursuant to subsection 69(1) of the Canada Transportation Act, SC 1996, c 10 (CTA).

Case number: 

The applicant has applied to the Canadian Transportation Agency (Agency) for a licence to operate a scheduled international service in accordance with the Agreement between the Government of Canada and the Government of the Republic of Rwanda on Air Transport, signed ad referendum on June 25, 2022 (Agreement).

The Agency is satisfied that the applicant meets all the applicable requirements of subsection 69(1) of the CTA. The Agency also finds that the pertinent terms and conditions of the Agreement have been complied with.

Accordingly, the Agency issues the licence.

Pursuant to subsection 71(1) of the CTA, the licence is subject to the conditions prescribed by the Air Transportation Regulations, SOR/88-58, and the following conditions:

  1. The Licensee is authorized to operate, through code sharing, a scheduled international service on the route(s) set out in the Agreement.
  2. The scheduled international service is to be conducted in accordance with the Agreement and any applicable arrangements agreed to between the Republic of Rwanda and Canada.


Heather Smith
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