Letter Decision No. LET-R-97-2013

August 15, 2013

Canadian Transportation Agency Order No. 2013-R-266 dated August 13, 2013

File No.: 
R 8005/M5

Reference is made to your letter dated August 15, 2013 requesting the Canadian Transportation Agency (Agency) to vary Order No. 2013-R-266.

The Agency has considered your submission requesting an extension and finds that you failed to demonstrate that there are new facts or circumstances warranting a review of the order.

As you are aware, the Agency suspended the Certificate of Fitness as it was not satisfied that Montreal, Maine & Atlantic Canada Co. (MMAC) and Montreal, Maine & Atlantic Railway, Ltd. (MMA) currently have adequate third party liability insurance coverage at the same level as prior to the derailment at Lac-Mégantic or the financial capacity to pay the self-insured portion. You provided no information that addresses the inadequacies of the third party liability insurance of MMAC and MMA identified by the Agency in the Order.


Geoffrey C. Hare
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