Determination No. W-2017-23

April 11, 2017
APPLICATION by Tyco Electronics Subsea Communications LLC, pursuant to the Coasting Trade Act, S.C., 1992, c.31, for a licence.
Case number: 

Tyco Electronics Subsea Communications LLC applied , through its representative, for a licence to use the “CS TENEO”, a cable laying and repair ship registered in the Marshall Islands, to provide emergency repair services, on an as required basis, to the Hibernia Atlantic and Express submarine cable systems to ensure service is uninterrupted within Canadian territorial waters off Nova Scotia. The activity will start on May 1, 2017 and will end on April 30, 2018.

Is there a suitable Canadian ship available to perform the activity?

Canadian Transportation Agency (Agency) staff gave notice of the application to the Canadian marine industry and no Canadian ships were offered. Therefore, the Agency determines that there is no suitable Canadian ship available to perform the activity.

The Agency is providing this Determination to the Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness to consider whether to issue the licence. This Determination is not an authority to operate.


Sam Barone
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