Determination No. W-2020-146

July 30, 2020

APPLICATION by Heerema Marine Contractors, pursuant to the Coasting Trade Act, SC 1992, c 31 (Act), for a licence.

Case number: 

Heerema Marine Contractors applied , through its representative, to the Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness (Minister), for a licence to use the "SSCV THIALF", a semi‑submersible crane ship registered in Panama, to remove seven offshore platforms, which are part of the Sable Offshore Energy Project located offshore of Nova Scotia. The ship will also be used to install two platform cranes to the Hibernia Platform located offshore of Newfoundland and Labrador. The activity will start on October 16, 2020 and will end on November 30, 2020.

To support the licensing process, the Canadian Transportation Agency (Agency) must determine under section 8 of the Act whether a suitable Canadian ship is available to provide the service.

Agency staff gave notice of the application to the Canadian marine industry and no Canadian ships were offered. Therefore, the Agency determines that there is no suitable Canadian ship available to perform the activity.

The Minister considers the Agency's Determination in deciding whether to issue the licence. This Determination is not an authority to operate.


Heather Smith
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