Decisions and determinations



This database contains all public Decisions, Determinations, Orders and certain interim Decisions made by the Canadian Transportation Agency since 1988. Some decisions are confidential and are not published.

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Displaying 3031 - 3040 of 39659
Decision Decision number Decision date
The applicant has applied to the Canadian Transportation Agency (Agency) for a licence to operate a non-scheduled international service in accordance with Annex III of the Air Transport Agreement between the Government of Canada and the Government of the United States of America signed on March 12...
A-2019-57 2019-04-03
The Licensee has applied to the Canadian Transportation Agency (Agency) for exemptions to permit it to operate its executive type aircraft without being issued a program permit by the Agency or without giving notification prior to the departure of each Canadian originating international entity...
2019-A-51 2019-04-03
SUMMARY [1] Bassam Tashvighi filed an application with the Canadian Transportation Agency (Agency) against Delta concerning the delayed delivery of baggage and loss of items from the baggage when he and his wife travelled from Toronto, Ontario, to Cape Town, South Africa, via Paris, France. [2] Mr...
19-C-A-2019 2019-04-02
SUMMARY [1] Tanveer Akhtar filed an application with the Canadian Transportation Agency (Agency) against Saudi Arabian Airlines pursuant to: subsection 172(1) of the Canada Transportation Act, S.C., 1996, c. 10, as amended (CTA), concerning the carrier’s alleged failure to provide wheelchair...
LET-AT-C-A-32-2019 2019-04-01
In its Determination No. A-2018-89, the Canadian Transportation Agency (Agency) suspended the domestic licence of the Licensee. The Licensee has requested that the licence remain suspended and not be cancelled. The Agency is satisfied that the reasons provided in support of the Licensee's request...
A-2019-52 2019-03-29
The Licensee is licensed to operate a domestic service, small aircraft, a scheduled international service, small aircraft, and a non-scheduled international service, small aircraft. The Licensee has ceased to meet the requirement to hold a valid Canadian aviation document under subparagraphs 61(a)(...
2019-A-49 2019-03-29
The Licensee is licensed to operate a non-scheduled international service in accordance with Annex III of the Air Transport Agreement between the Government of Canada and the Government of the United States of America signed on March 12, 2007. The Licensee has requested the suspension of its...
A-2019-53 2019-03-29
The applicant has applied to the Canadian Transportation Agency (Agency) for a licence to operate a non-scheduled international service in accordance with Annex III of the Air Transport Agreement between the Government of Canada and the Government of the United States of America signed on March 12...
A-2019-54 2019-03-29
Air Canada, on behalf of itself and Turkish Airlines, has applied to the Canadian Transportation Agency (Agency) for extra bilateral authorities to permit: Air Canada to serve the additional point Izmir, Turkey by selling transportation in its own name on flights operated by Turkish Airlines...
A-2019-55 2019-03-29
SUMMARY CN argues that the current approach to apportion debt to its Canadian balance sheet is likely to overstate long-term debt, and has proposed an alternative methodology. The Agency finds that CN’s contention regarding the overstatement of debt is likely true and that a different approach may...
LET-R-33-2019 2019-03-29