Decisions and determinations
This database contains all public Decisions, Determinations, Orders and certain interim Decisions made by the Canadian Transportation Agency since 1988. Some decisions are confidential and are not published.
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Displaying 38851 - 38860 of 39827
Decision | Decision number | Decision date |
August 22, 1988
IN THE MATTER OF the application of the Canadian National Railway Company (hereinafter the Applicant), under the provisions of section 192 of the Railway Act, R.S.C. 1970, c. R-2, for authority to remove the bridge over McEdwards Creek (St. Pierre Drain), at Mile 51.50 Kingston...
1988-R-737 | 1988-08-22 |
August 19, 1988
APPLICATION by Northwest Airlines, Inc. of St. Paul, Minnesota, U.S.A., for a licence to operate a Class 9-4R Restricted Charter non-scheduled international service to transport passengers and goods between Canada and any other country using fixed wing aircraft in Groups F, G and H...
274-A-1988 | 1988-08-19 |
August 19, 1988
APPLICATION by Wabakimi Air Ltd. for a licence to operate a Class 4 Charter domestic service using float-equipped fixed wing aircraft in Group A, from a base at Armstrong (Mattice Lake), Ontario, from May 1 to October 31 of each year.
File No. 2-...
275-A-1988 | 1988-08-19 |
August 19, 1988
IN THE MATTER OF the application of Canadian Pacific Limited (hereinafter the Applicant), under the provisions of section 192 of the Railway Act, R.S.C. 1970, c. R-2, for authority to reconstruct the bridge over the Ottawa River, at Mile 16.0 Vaudreuil Subdivision, between the...
1988-R-736 | 1988-08-19 |
August 19, 1988
IN THE MATTER OF Railway Transport Committee Order No. R-40682 dated May 21, 1987, which authorized Canadian Pacific Limited under the provisions of section 192 of the Railway Act, R.S.C. 1970, c. R-2, to remove the bridge over the drainage channel at Mile 93.06 Wilkie Subdivision...
1988-R-735 | 1988-08-19 |
August 19, 1988
IN THE MATTER OF the reconstruction by the Canadian National Railway Company (hereinafter the Railway Company) of the timber trestle east approach spans of the bridge over the western branch of the Cascapedia River, at Mile 60.1 Cascapedia Subdivision, in the County of Bonaventure...
1988-R-733 | 1988-08-19 |
August 19, 1988
IN THE MATTER OF the accident on April 28, 1988, at the crossing of the railway of the Canadian National Railway Company and Pasqua Street, in the City of Regina, in the Province of Saskatchewan, at mileage 2.36 Regina Terminals Subdivision.
File No. 30739
1988-R-732 | 1988-08-19 |
August 18, 1988
APPLICATION by Reliant Airlines Inc. for amendment of Licence No. A.T.C. 1870 to authorize the Licensee, in respect of traffic originating in Canada, to enplanement of such traffic in the Provinces of Alberta and Manitoba.
File No. 2-R339-1A...
273-A-1988 | 1988-08-18 |
August 18, 1988
APPLICATION by Northern Light Gospel Missions for a licence to operate a Class 4 Charter domestic service to serve the transportation requirements of Northern Light Gospel Missions using fixed wing aircraft in Groups A and B, from a base at Red Lake, Ontario.
272-A-1988 | 1988-08-18 |
August 18, 1988
IN THE MATTER OF the accident on July 11, 1988, at the crossing of the railway of the Canadian National Railway Company and Labrosse Street, in the Village of Moose Creek, in the Province of Ontario, at mileage 40.89 Alexandria Subdivision.
File No. 38437
1988-R-731 | 1988-08-18 |