Decisions and determinations



This database contains all public Decisions, Determinations, Orders and certain interim Decisions made by the Canadian Transportation Agency since 1988. Some decisions are confidential and are not published.

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Displaying 1861 - 1870 of 39668
Decision Decision number Decision date
SUMMARY [1] The Agency has determined: CN’s VRCPI for the 2021–2022 crop year to be 1.4505, an increase of 0.50 percent from the 2020–2021 crop year. CP’s VRCPI for the 2021–2022 crop year to be 1.4787, a decrease of 1.78 percent from the 2020–2021 crop year. [2] The Agency will use these...
R-2021-64 2021-04-29
The Canadian Transportation Agency (Agency) determines CP’s maximum revenue entitlement for the movement of grain in each crop year in accordance with the formula set out in subsection 151(1) of the Canadian Transportation Act, SC 1996, c 10. One component of this formula is the calculation of the...
LET-R-34-2021 2021-04-29
INTRODUCTION [1] The Agency determines CP’s maximum revenue entitlement for the movement of grain in each crop year in accordance with the formula set out in subsection 151(1) of the Canadian Transportation Act, SC 1996, c 10. The Agency must make this determination for the 2020-2021 crop year by...
R-2021-63 2021-04-29
SUMMARY The Canadian Transportation Agency (Agency) determines CN’s maximum revenue entitlement for the movement of grain in each crop year in accordance with the formula set out in subsection 151(1) of the Canadian Transportation Act, SC 1996, c 10 (CTA). One component of this formula is the...
LET-R-35-2021 2021-04-29
The Licensee is licensed to operate a non-scheduled international service in accordance with the Air Transport Agreement between the Government of Canada and the Government of the United States of America signed on March 12, 2007. The Licensee's certificate of insurance on the Canadian...
2021-A-S-97 2021-04-29
The Licensee is licensed to operate a non-scheduled international service in accordance with the Air Transport Agreement between the Government of Canada and the Government of the United States of America signed on March 12, 2007. The Licensee's certificate of insurance on the Canadian...
2021-A-S-95 2021-04-29
The Licensee is licensed to operate a domestic service, small aircraft. The Licensee's certificate of insurance on the Canadian Transportation Agency's record will expire on May 1, 2021. The Licensee will cease to meet the requirement to have the prescribed liability insurance coverage under...
2021-A-S-99 2021-04-29
The Licensee is licensed to operate a non-scheduled international service in accordance with the Air Transport Agreement between the Government of Canada and the Government of the United States of America signed on March 12, 2007. The Licensee's certificate of insurance on the Canadian...
2021-A-S-101 2021-04-29
The Licensee is licensed to operate a domestic service, small aircraft. The Licensee has ceased to meet the requirement to hold a valid Canadian aviation document under subparagraph 61(a)(ii) of the Canada Transportation Act, SC 1996, c 10 (CTA). Pursuant to subsection 63(1) of the CTA, the licence...
2021-A-5 2021-04-29
BACKGROUND On April 27, 2021, the Minister of Transport, pursuant to paragraph 76(1)(d) and subsection 76(3) of the CTA, and in concurrence with the Minister of Foreign Affairs, issued the Ministerial Direction for International Service (Temporary Measures) [ministerial...
2021-A-6 2021-04-29