Decisions and determinations



This database contains all public Decisions, Determinations, Orders and certain interim Decisions made by the Canadian Transportation Agency since 1988. Some decisions are confidential and are not published.

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Displaying 321 - 330 of 39663
Decision Decision number Decision date
The Licensee is licensed to operate a domestic service, all-cargo aircraft. The Licensee's certificate of insurance on the Canadian Transportation Agency's record will expire on November 5, 2023. The Licensee will cease to meet the requirement to have the prescribed liability insurance coverage...
2023-A-S-275 2023-11-03
The Licensee is licensed to operate: domestic service large aircraft; non-scheduled international service, large aircraft; scheduled international service, large aircraft, in accordance with the Air Transport Agreement between the Government of Canada and the Government of the United States of...
A-2023-219 2023-11-02
[1] Sonia Martel purchased a round-trip ticket to travel with Air Canada from Montréal, Quebec, to Lima, Peru, departing on January 18, 2020. Her outbound flight was delayed by 11 hours and 9 minutes. [2] As set out in Decision LET-C-A-19-2023, this application was previously joined to Case 20-...
153-C-A-2023 2023-11-02
Summary [1] This decision addresses whether CN has met its obligations under the settlement agreement filed by the parties in relation to the noise levels [REDACTED] at the intersection of CN’s Rivers Subdivision and Canadian Pacific Kansas City Limited’s La Rivière Spur (St. James Junction), in...
CONF-R-11-2023 2023-11-02
The Licensee is licensed to operate a non-scheduled international service in accordance with the Air Transport Agreement between the Government of Canada and the Government of the United States of America signed on March 12, 2007. The Licensee's certificate of insurance on the Canadian...
2023-A-S-269 2023-11-01
The Licensee is licensed to operate a non-scheduled international service on a charter basis between Spain and Canada. The Licensee's certificate of insurance on the Canadian Transportation Agency's record will expire on November 1, 2023. The Licensee will cease to meet the requirement to have the...
2023-A-S-271 2023-11-01
The Licensee is licensed to operate a non-scheduled international service in accordance with the Air Transport Agreement between the Government of Canada and the Government of the United States of America signed on March 12, 2007. The Licensee's certificate of insurance on the Canadian...
2023-A-S-273 2023-11-01
Alaska Marine Lines Inc. applied, through its representative, to the Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness (Minister), for a licence to use the Southeast Provider, the Stikine Provider, the Sitka Provider, the Skagway Provider, the Ocean Titan, the Gulf Titan, and the Alaska Titan,...
W-2023-217 2023-10-30
Irving Shipbuilding Inc. applied, through its representative, to the Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness (Minister), for a licence to use the Boa Barge 37, a semi-submersible heavy-lift and launching cargo barge registered in Norway, to support the launch of Arctic and offshore...
W-2023-218 2023-10-30
The Licensee is licensed to operate charter flights in accordance with Annex III of the Air Transport Agreement between the Government of Canada and the Government of the United States of America signed on March 12, 2007. Pursuant to subsection 84(2) of the CTA, the Licensee must appoint an agent...
2023-A-26 2023-10-30