Decisions and determinations



This database contains all public Decisions, Determinations, Orders and certain interim Decisions made by the Canadian Transportation Agency since 1988. Some decisions are confidential and are not published.

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Displaying 7381 - 7390 of 39712
Decision Decision number Decision date
Introduction Complaint [1] On February 21, 2012, Merg Kong (complainant) filed a complaint with the Canadian Transportation Agency (Agency) concerning railway operations near her residence on Viking Lane, in the city of Toronto, Ontario. This complaint is made pursuant to section 95.3 of the Canada...
424-R-2012 2012-11-07
In its Order No. 2012‑A‑371, the Canadian Transportation Agency (Agency), pursuant to subsection 63(1) and paragraph 75(1)(a) of the Canada Transportation Act, S.C., 1996, c. 10, as amended (CTA), suspended the domestic and non-scheduled international licences of Helicities Inc. (Licensee...
2012-A-385 2012-11-06
On September 4, 2012, the Canadian Transportation Agency (Agency) received a letter from the Canadian National Railway Company filing a copy of an Agreement relating to the change of status of the road crossing from private to public, and for the construction, maintenance and apportionment of the...
2012-AGR-384 2012-11-06
INTRODUCTION [1] The Canada Transportation Act, S.C., 1996, c.10, as amended (CTA), requires that air carriers holding domestic and certain international licences issued by the Canadian Transportation Agency (Agency) must be Canadian, as defined in subsection 55(1) of the CTA. This is an important...
423-A-2012 2012-11-06
Camden Aviation, Inc. (Licensee) is licensed to operate charter flights in accordance with Annex III of the Air Transport Agreement between the Government of Canada and the Government of the United States of America signed on March 12, 2007. The Canadian Transportation Agency (Agency)...
2012-A-383 2012-11-06
INTRODUCTION [1] Anemone Cerridwen filed an application with the Canadian Transportation Agency (Agency) pursuant to subsection 172(1) of the Canada Transportation Act, S.C., 1996, c. 10, as amended (CTA) against OC Transpo with respect to OC Transpo’s refusal to allow her to go barefoot on...
422-AT-MV-2012 2012-11-06
ExcelAire Service, Inc. (Licensee) is licensed to operate charter flights in accordance with Annex III of the Air Transport Agreement between the Government of Canada and the Government of the United States of America signed on March 12, 2007. The Canadian Transportation Agency (Agency)...
2012-A-382 2012-11-05
Albinati Aeronautics SA (Licensee) has applied to the Canadian Transportation Agency (Agency) for exemptions to permit it to: operate Canadian originating entity charter flights using its executive type aircraft without being issued a program permit by the Agency; or operate each charter flight or...
2012-A-378 2012-11-02
Tyrolean Jet Service Nfg. GmbH & Co KG carrying on business as Tyrolean Jet Services (Licensee) has applied to the Canadian Transportation Agency (Agency) for exemptions to permit it to: operate Canadian originating entity charter flights using its executive type aircraft without being issued...
2012-A-380 2012-11-02
In its Decision No. 335‑A‑2011, the Canadian Transportation Agency (Agency) suspended the domestic and non-scheduled international licences of 2553‑4330 Québec Inc. carrying on business as Aéropro (Licensee). In response to the Decision, the Licensee has requested that the licences remain...
421-A-2012 2012-11-02