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This database contains all public Decisions, Determinations, Orders and certain interim Decisions made by the Canadian Transportation Agency since 1988. Some decisions are confidential and are not published.
Showing 11-20 of 1445 decisions.
Follow-up - Decision No. 280-AT-R-2000
December 29, 1998
APPLICATION by Yvonne Gaudet, on behalf of Marcella Arsenault, pursuant to subsections 172(1) and (3) of the Canada Transportation Act, S.C., 1996, c. 10, regarding the accommodations and level of service provided by VIA Rail Canada Inc. to...
641-AT-R-1998 | Decision | 1998-12-29
Follow-up - Decision No. 357-AT-A-2000
December 29, 1998
APPLICATION by George Rimek pursuant to subsections 172(1) and (3) of the Canada Transportation Act, S.C., 1996, c. 10, regarding difficulties encountered with the seating assignment on the return portion of his trip between Toronto, Ontario...
643-AT-A-1998 | Decision | 1998-12-29
December 29, 1998
APPLICATION by Martinair Holland N.V. for renewal of the authorization to: 1) carry international bonded cargo shipments to/from Mirabel International Airport coming from and destined to points outside the territory of Canada; and 2) to combine Canadian and transshipped cargo on...
636-A-1998 | Decision | 1998-12-29
December 29, 1998
APPLICATION by Martinair Holland N.V. for renewal of the authorizations to carry international bonded cargo shipments to/from Hamilton and Windsor Airports coming from and destined to points outside the territory of Canada until December 31, 1999.
File Nos. M4815-3-1/M22M4815-6-...
637-A-1998 | Decision | 1998-12-29
December 29, 1998
APPLICATION by "Varig", S.A. (Viaçao Aérea Rio-Grandense) Varig Brazilian Airlines for renewal of the authorization to carry international bonded cargo shipments to/from Hamilton Airport coming from and destined to points outside the territory of Canada until December 31, 1999....
638-A-1998 | Decision | 1998-12-29
December 29, 1998
APPLICATION by "Varig", S.A. (Viaçao Aérea Rio-Grandense) Varig Brazilian Airlines for renewal of the authorization to: 1) carry international bonded cargo shipments to/from Mirabel International Airport coming from and destined to points outside the territory of Canada; and 2)...
639-A-1998 | Decision | 1998-12-29
December 29, 1998
APPLICATION by African International Airways (PTY) Limited for renewal of the authorizations to carry international bonded cargo shipments to/from Mirabel International, Hamilton and Windsor Airports coming from and destined to points outside the territory of Canada until...
640-A-1998 | Decision | 1998-12-29
December 29, 1998
APPLICATION by Western Air Couriers, Inc. of Port Orchard, Washington, United States of America, pursuant to subsection 73(2) of the Canada Transportation Act, S.C., 1996, c. 10, for a licence to operate a non-scheduled international service to transport traffic on a charter...
642-A-1998 | Decision | 1998-12-29
December 29, 1998
IN THE MATTER OF the operation of a non-scheduled international service by Aero Air, Inc. - Licence No. 977409.
File No. M4211/A22-2
Under Licence No. 977409, Aero Air, Inc. (hereinafter the Licensee) is authorized to operate a non-scheduled international service to transport...
1998-A-795 | Order | 1998-12-29
December 29, 1998
IN THE MATTER OF the operation of a domestic service and a non-scheduled international service by Air North Bay Inc. - Licence Nos. 972180 and 977251.
File Nos. M4210/A123-1M4210/A123-2
Under Licence No. 972180, Air North Bay Inc. (hereinafter the Licensee) is authorized to...
1998-A-794 | Order | 1998-12-29