Browse decisions and determinations
This database contains all public Decisions, Determinations, Orders and certain interim Decisions made by the Canadian Transportation Agency since 1988. Some decisions are confidential and are not published.
Ruling type
- 2017 48 Apply 2017 filter
- 2016 580 Apply 2016 filter
- 2015 628 Apply 2015 filter
- 2014 693 Apply 2014 filter
- 2013 836 Apply 2013 filter
- 2012 919 Apply 2012 filter
- 2011 969 Apply 2011 filter
- 2010 1165 Apply 2010 filter
- 2009 1135 Apply 2009 filter
- 2008 1153 Apply 2008 filter
- 2007 1198 Apply 2007 filter
- 2006 1330 Apply 2006 filter
- 2005 1396 Apply 2005 filter
- 2004 1231 Apply 2004 filter
- 2003 1334 Apply 2003 filter
- 2002 1197 Apply 2002 filter
- 2001 1248 Apply 2001 filter
- 2000 1249 Apply 2000 filter
- 1999 1320 Apply 1999 filter
- 1998 1411 Apply 1998 filter
- 1997 1493 Apply 1997 filter
- 1996 1153 Apply 1996 filter
- 1995 1399 Apply 1995 filter
- 1994 1373 Apply 1994 filter
- 1993 1292 Apply 1993 filter
- 1992 1233 Apply 1992 filter
- 1991 1231 Apply 1991 filter
- 1990 1383 Apply 1990 filter
- 1989 1086 Apply 1989 filter
- 1988 1776 Apply 1988 filter
Showing 34341-34350 of 34459 decisions.
March 21, 1988
IN THE MATTER OF Order No. WDR1987-178 of the Canadian Transport Commission, Western Division, dated July 22, 1987, authorizing the construction of the crossing of Mill Street where it crosses at grade the right of way and track of the Canadian National Railway Company, in the Town...
1988-R-132 | Order | 1988-03-21
March 21, 1988
IN THE MATTER OF the application of Canadian Pacific Limited, hereinafter called the "Applicant", for authority to operate its trains on the bridge over Annabella and Rachel Street, in the City of Winnipeg, in the Province of Manitoba, at mileage 125.2 Keewatin Subdivision, which...
1988-R-58 | Order | 1988-03-21
March 21, 1988
IN THE MATTER OF the application of Canadian Pacific Limited, on behalf of Esso Petroleum Canada (hereinafter the Applicant), for authority to construct an installation for the bulk storage of flammable liquids in the Village of Leoville, in the Province of Saskatchewan, near...
1988-R-119 | Order | 1988-03-21
March 21, 1988
IN THE MATTER OF Order No. 119466 of the Board of Transport Commissioners for Canada, dated December 30, 1965, which authorized the Department of Transport of the Government of Canada to affix, and thereafter maintain, four one-half inch (1/2") mild steel hydraulic pipe conduits to...
1988-R-110 | Order | 1988-03-21
March 21, 1988
IN THE MATTER OF the application of Canadian Pacific Limited, on behalf of Petro-Canada Inc. (hereinafter the Applicant) for authority to construct an installation for the bulk storage of flammable liquids in the Village of Balcarres, in the Province of Saskatchewan, near mileage 25...
1988-R-109 | Order | 1988-03-21
March 21, 1988
IN THE MATTER OF the application of the Ministry of Transportation and Communications of the Province of Ontario (hereinafter the Applicant) for authority to construct an overhead bridge to carry Provincial Highway No. 17N (Kenora By-Pass) across and over the right of way and tracks...
1988-R-117 | Order | 1988-03-21
March 21, 1988
IN THE MATTER OF Railway Transport Committee Order No. R-37410 dated November 6, 1984 respecting the construction of two subways to carry Third Line Road across and under the tracks of the Canadian National Railway Company, in the Town of Oakville, in the Province of Ontario, at...
1988-R-77 | Order | 1988-03-21
March 21, 1988
IN THE MATTER OF Railway Transport Committee Order No. R-41093 dated September 16, 1987 authorizing railway companies subject to the jurisdiction of the National Transportation Agency to transport compressed gas cylinders manufactured by Worthington Cylinders.
File No. D.C. 18.7.89...
1988-R-152 | Order | 1988-03-21
March 21, 1988
IN THE MATTER OF the application of Canadian Pacific Limited (hereinafter the Applicant) for authority to operate over the bridge over Seven Persons Creek, at Mile 146.23 Maple Creek Subdivision, in the City of Medicine Hat, in the Province of Alberta, the said bridge having been...
1988-R-144 | Order | 1988-03-21
March 21, 1988
IN THE MATTER OF the application of the Department of Transportation and Utilities of the Province of Alberta, on behalf of the Village of Evansburg (hereinafter the Applicant), for authority to construct a local access road across the track of the Canadian National Railway Company...
1988-R-125 | Order | 1988-03-21