Browse decisions and determinations
This database contains all public Decisions, Determinations, Orders and certain interim Decisions made by the Canadian Transportation Agency since 1988. Some decisions are confidential and are not published.
Ruling type
- 2024 344 Apply 2024 filter
- 2023 638 Apply 2023 filter
- 2022 583 Apply 2022 filter
- 2021 558 Apply 2021 filter
- 2020 606 Apply 2020 filter
- 2019 560 Apply 2019 filter
- 2018 590 Apply 2018 filter
- 2017 565 Apply 2017 filter
- 2016 616 Apply 2016 filter
- 2015 653 Apply 2015 filter
- 2014 722 Apply 2014 filter
- 2013 874 Apply 2013 filter
- 2012 949 Apply 2012 filter
- 2011 994 Apply 2011 filter
- 2010 1202 Apply 2010 filter
- 2009 1160 Apply 2009 filter
- 2008 1205 Apply 2008 filter
- 2007 1241 Apply 2007 filter
- 2006 1406 Apply 2006 filter
- 2005 1468 Apply 2005 filter
- 2004 1283 Apply 2004 filter
- 2003 1384 Apply 2003 filter
- 2002 1278 Apply 2002 filter
- 2001 1307 Apply 2001 filter
- 2000 1318 Apply 2000 filter
- 1999 1377 Apply 1999 filter
- 1998 1445 Apply 1998 filter
- 1997 1493 Apply 1997 filter
- 1996 1153 Apply 1996 filter
- 1995 1401 Apply 1995 filter
- 1994 1374 Apply 1994 filter
- 1993 1293 Apply 1993 filter
- 1992 1253 Apply 1992 filter
- 1991 1234 Apply 1991 filter
- 1990 1383 Apply 1990 filter
- 1989 1086 Apply 1989 filter
- 1988 1776 Apply 1988 filter
September 16, 1988
APPLICATION by Downeast Flying Service, Inc. of Wiscasset, Maine, U.S.A., for a licence to operate a Class 9-4 Charter non-scheduled international service to transport traffic between points in Canada and points in the United States of America.
329-A-1988 | Decision | 1988-09-16
September 16, 1988
APPLICATION by Alan Emerson doing business as Emerson Aviation of Laconia, New Hampshire, U.S.A., for a licence to operate a Class 9-4 Charter non-scheduled international service to transport traffic between points in Canada and points in the United States of America.
325-A-1988 | Decision | 1988-09-16
September 16, 1988
APPLICATION by Northwest Jet Charter, Inc. of Spring, Texas, U.S.A., for a licence to operate a Class 9-4 Charter non-scheduled international service to transport traffic between points in Canada and points in the United States of America.
324-A-1988 | Decision | 1988-09-16
September 16, 1988
APPLICATION by Page Flight Services Ltd. for a licence to operate a Class 4 Charter domestic service using fixed wing aircraft in Groups A and B, from a base at Fort Norman, Northwest Territories.
File No. 2-P327-7
Docket No. 88296
Page Flight...
333-A-1988 | Decision | 1988-09-16
September 16, 1988
APPLICATION by Harbour Air Ltd. for cancellation of Licence No. A.T.C. 3809/84(C).
File No. 2-H351-4A
Docket No. 88453
Under Licence No. A.T.C 3809/84(C), Harbour Air Ltd. is authorized to operate a Class 4 Charter domestic service using fixed...
328-A-1988 | Decision | 1988-09-16
September 16, 1988
APPLICATION by Nunasi-Northland Airlines Limited for a licence to operate a Class 3 Specific Point domestic service using fixed wing aircraft in Groups C, D and E, serving the points Churchill, Manitoba; Eskimo Point, Rankin Inlet, Baker Lake, Coral Harbour and Repulse Bay,...
323-A-1988 | Decision | 1988-09-16
September 16, 1988
APPLICATION by 158913 Canada Inc. for a licence to operate a Class 4 Charter domestic service using fixed wing aircraft in Group D, from a base at Iles-de-la-Madeleine, P.Q.
File No. 2-C816-1
Docket No. 88326
158913 Canada Inc. (hereinafter the...
326-A-1988 | Decision | 1988-09-16
September 16, 1988
APPLICATION by Esnagami Wilderness Lodge & Outpost Camps Ltd. for a licence to operate a Class 4 Charter domestic service restricted to serving the transportation requirements of the bona fide guests, employees and workers of Esnagami Wilderness Lodge & Outpost Camps Ltd...
322-A-1988 | Decision | 1988-09-16
September 16, 1988
IN THE MATTER OF section 226 of the Railway Act; R.S.C. 1970, c. R-2; and
IN THE MATTER OF a collision which occurred at mileage 6.34 on the CP Lanigan Subdivision on January 15, 1988, between Extra 5986 south and the rear of a yard movement headed by diesel unit CP 1565.
1988-R-830 | Order | 1988-09-16
September 16, 1988
IN THE MATTER OF Order No. 97033 of the Board of Transport Commissioners for Canada, dated February 5, 1959, approving the Federated Co-Operative Limited's proposed flammable liquid bulk storage facilities at Russell, in the Province of Manitoba, at mileage 104.1 Rossburn...
1988-R-829 | Order | 1988-09-16