Browse decisions and determinations
This database contains all public Decisions, Determinations, Orders and certain interim Decisions made by the Canadian Transportation Agency since 1988. Some decisions are confidential and are not published.
Ruling type
- 2024 1 Apply 2024 filter
- 2023 141 Apply 2023 filter
- 2022 135 Apply 2022 filter
- 2021 120 Apply 2021 filter
- 2020 96 Apply 2020 filter
- 2019 77 Apply 2019 filter
- 2018 60 Apply 2018 filter
- 2017 104 Apply 2017 filter
- 2016 283 Apply 2016 filter
- 2015 309 Apply 2015 filter
- 2014 332 Apply 2014 filter
- 2013 339 Apply 2013 filter
- 2012 394 Apply 2012 filter
- 2011 339 Apply 2011 filter
- 2010 415 Apply 2010 filter
- 2009 411 Apply 2009 filter
- 2008 450 Apply 2008 filter
- 2007 472 Apply 2007 filter
- 2006 581 Apply 2006 filter
- 2005 560 Apply 2005 filter
- 2004 550 Apply 2004 filter
- 2003 561 Apply 2003 filter
- 2002 601 Apply 2002 filter
- 2001 525 Apply 2001 filter
- 2000 560 Apply 2000 filter
- 1999 518 Apply 1999 filter
- 1998 535 Apply 1998 filter
- 1997 575 Apply 1997 filter
- 1996 554 Apply 1996 filter
- 1995 841 Apply 1995 filter
- 1994 816 Apply 1994 filter
- 1993 840 Apply 1993 filter
- 1992 766 Apply 1992 filter
- 1991 602 Apply 1991 filter
- 1990 610 Apply 1990 filter
- 1989 616 Apply 1989 filter
- 1988 482 Apply 1988 filter
Showing 16121-16130 of 16171 decisions.
April 27, 1988
APPLICATION by Little Red Air Service Ltd. for amendment of Licence No. A.T.C. 4323/86(C) by adding the authority to also operate fixed wing aircraft in Group B.
File No. 2-L417-1A
Docket No. 10808 WD
This application was filed with the Air...
78-A-1988 | Decision | 1988-04-27
April 27, 1988
1) APPLICATION by Canadian Airlines International Ltd. carrying on business under the firm name and style of either Canadian Airlines International or Canadian for suspension of the authority to serve the points Grande Prairie, Alberta; Fort Nelson, British Columbia; and Watson Lake...
81-A-1988 | Decision | 1988-04-27
April 27, 1988
NOTICE of proposed transfer of the commercial air services authorized under Licence Nos. A.T.C. 1057/59(C) and A.T.C. 411/69(CF), from Slate Falls Airways Limited to Slate Falls Airways (1987) Inc.
File Nos. 2-S82-2A-6A
Docket No. 10753
64-A-1988 | Decision | 1988-04-27
April 27, 1988
APPLICATION by 132802 Canada Ltée. carrying on business as Aéro Taxi for authority to operate Class 4 Charter domestic and Class 9-4 Charter non-scheduled international services using fixed wing aircraft in Group C, both from a base at Montreal, P.Q.
53-A-1988 | Decision | 1988-04-27
April 27, 1988
APPLICATION by Trans-Provincial Airlines Ltd. for amendment of Licence Nos. A.T.C. 1813/68(C) and A.T.C. 98/51(CF) by adding the authority to also operate fixed wing aircraft in Group E.
File Nos. 2-T438-4A-7A
Docket No. 10552 WD
This application...
49-A-1988 | Decision | 1988-04-27
April 26, 1988
IN THE MATTER OF Decision No. 11135 dated November 17, 1987 - New Hampshire Helicopters, Inc. doing business as Hub Express doing business as Business Helicopters.
File No. 2-N363-1
By Decision No. 11135 dated November 17, 1987, New Hampshire Helicopters, Inc. doing business as...
33-A-1988 | Decision | 1988-04-26
April 22, 1988
APPLICATION BY Puget Sound Helicopters, Inc. of Seattle, Washington, U.S.A., for authority to operate a Class 9-4 Charter non-scheduled international service to transport traffic between points in Canada and points in the United States of America.
25-A-1988 | Decision | 1988-04-22
March 31, 1988
APPLICATION by Canadian Airlines International Ltd. carrying on business under the firm name and style of Canadian Airlines International or Canadian for authority to operate a scheduled international service to transport passengers, cargo and mail, separately or in combination,...
41-A-1988 | Decision | 1988-04-22
April 22, 1988
APPLICATION by Air Satellite Inc. for authority to also serve the point Montreal, P.Q., under Licence No. A.T.C. 2094/71(NS).
File No. 2-A535-19A
Docket No. 10736
This application was filed with the Air Transport Committee of the Canadian Transport...
52-A-1988 | Decision | 1988-04-22
April 22, 1988
APPLICATION by Air Nova Inc. for authority to also serve the point Quebec City, P.Q. under Licence No. A.T.C. 3985/85(NS).
APPLICATION by Air Nova Inc. for authority to also serve the points Bathurst, New Brunswick and Montreal, P.Q. under Licence No. A.T.C. 3985/85(NS).
54-A-1988 | Decision | 1988-04-22