Browse decisions and determinations
This database contains all public Decisions, Determinations, Orders and certain interim Decisions made by the Canadian Transportation Agency since 1988. Some decisions are confidential and are not published.
Ruling type
Showing 51-60 of 6854 decisions.
[1] The Canadian Transportation Agency (Agency) is required to determine, by April 30, 2015, the Volume-Related Composite Price Index (VRCPI) for crop year 2015-2016 commencing August 1, 2015 and ending July 31, 2016.
[2] In this Decision, references to 2015-2016 mean...
120-R-2015 | Decision | 2015-04-30
[1] Vivian Danielson, Elizabeth Shankoff, and Gerald Abram (applicants) hold joint title to a parcel of land in the province of British Columbia adjoining the Canadian Pacific Railway Company (CP) railway tracks. There was a crossing at mileage 48.65 of CP’s Cascade...
2015-04-30 | Letter Decision | 2015-04-30
[1] The Canadian Pacific Railway Company (CP) filed an application with the Canadian Transportation Agency (Agency) pursuant to subsection 98(2) of the Canada Transportation Act (CTA) for an approval to construct a railway line to service the K+S Potash Canada GP Legacy Mine north of...
118-R-2015 | Decision | 2015-04-28
[1] The Canadian National Railway Company (CN) filed an application with the Canadian Transportation Agency (Agency) pursuant to subsection 98(2) of the Canada Transportation Act (CTA) for an approval to construct additional railway lines at the site of the Windell Yard (Yard) which...
99-R-2015 | Decision | 2015-04-02
The Canadian Transportation Agency (Agency) received these requests for adjustments to the 2014-2015 Volume-Related Composite Price Index (VRCPI).
Canadian National Railway Company (CN)
CN filed its application on August 15, 2014. It requests this adjustment be made to reflect the costs it...
LET-R-17-2015 | Letter Decision | 2015-03-26
[1] On October 17, 2014, LDC filed a level of service application against CN requesting the Canadian Transportation Agency (Agency) to make an order determining that CN has failed to fulfill its level of service obligations under sections 113 to 115 of the Canada Transportation Act (...
LET-R-15-2015 | Letter Decision | 2015-03-20
[1] On November 3, 2014, Louis Dreyfus Commodities Canada Ltd. (LDC) filed an application with the Canadian Transportation Agency (Agency) pursuant to sections 25, 26 and subsections 28(2) and 33(4) of the Canada Transportation Act, S.C. 1996, C. 10, as amended (CTA), asking the Agency...
2015-03-12 | Letter Decision | 2015-03-12
[1] On January 18, 2010, the Canadian National Railway Company (CN) advised the Halifax Regional Municipality (HRM) that it intended to install a constant warning time device and relocate a signals bungalow (Work) at the McGuires Crossing, located at mileage 16.02 of the...
64-R-2015 | Decision | 2015-03-02
[1] On April 14, 2014, Louis Dreyfus Commodities Canada Ltd. (LDC) filed with the Canadian Transportation Agency (Agency) a level of service application against the Canadian National Railway Company (CN). As part of its application, LDC requested that the Agency order costs...
40-R-2015 | Decision | 2015-02-10
On May 27, 2014, the City of Edmonton (applicant) filed an application requesting that the Canadian Transportation Agency (Agency) vary Order No. R-26009, as amended (Order), by deleting references to the crossings listed in (a) to (h) of the title, and by changing the crossing in (i) from 129th...
2015-R-23 | Order | 2015-02-02