Browse decisions and determinations
This database contains all public Decisions, Determinations, Orders and certain interim Decisions made by the Canadian Transportation Agency since 1988. Some decisions are confidential and are not published.
Showing 281-290 of 1445 decisions.
October 21, 1998
APPLICATION by Jilco Industries, Inc. doing business as Priority Air Charter of Kidron, Ohio, U.S.A., pursuant to subsection 73(2) of the Canada Transportation Act, S.C., 1996, c. 10, for a licence to operate a non-scheduled international service to transport traffic on a charter...
507-A-1998 | Decision | 1998-10-21
October 21, 1998
APPLICATION by 122537 Canada Inc. for suspension of Licence No. 972197.
File No. M4210/O28-1
Docket No. 980910
122537 Canada Inc. (hereinafter the Licensee) has applied to the Canadian Transportation Agency (hereinafter the Agency) for the suspension set out in the title. The...
506-A-1998 | Decision | 1998-10-21
October 21, 1998
APPLICATION by Canadian Airlines International Ltd. carrying on business under the firm name and style of either Canadian Airlines International or Canadi*n pursuant to subsection 69(1) of the Canada Transportation Act, S.C., 1996, c. 10, for a licence to operate a scheduled...
509-A-1998 | Decision | 1998-10-21
October 21, 1998
IN THE MATTER OF the operation of a non-scheduled international service by Pacific West Airlines, Inc. - Licence No. 967671.
File No. M4211/P168-2
Under Licence No. 967671, Pacific West Airlines, Inc. (hereinafter the Licensee) is authorized to operate a non-scheduled...
1998-A-660 | Order | 1998-10-21
October 21, 1998
IN THE MATTER OF the operation of a non-scheduled international service by PHH Corporation - Licence No. 977050.
File No. M4211/P169-2
Under Licence No. 977050, PHH Corporation (hereinafter the Licensee) is authorized to operate a non-scheduled international service to transport...
1998-A-659 | Order | 1998-10-21
October 21, 1998
IN THE MATTER OF an application by Saskatchewan Telecommunications (hereinafter the applicant) for:
an order pursuant to subsection 101(3) of the Canada Transportation Act, S.C., 1996, c. 10, for authority to construct and maintain a utility crossing near mileage 63.40 Weyburn...
1998-R-657 | Order | 1998-10-21
October 21, 1998
IN THE MATTER OF an application by Saskatchewan Telecommunications (hereinafter the applicant) for:
an order pursuant to subsection 101(3) of the Canada Transportation Act, S.C., 1996, c. 10, for authority to construct and maintain a utility crossing at mileage 83.63 Tisdale...
1998-R-658 | Order | 1998-10-21
October 20, 1998
APPLICATION by Austrian Airlines Österreichische Luftverkehrs AG to reinstate Licence No. 910300.
File No. M4895/A484-1-1
Docket No. 980760
Austrian Airlines Österreichische Luftverkehrs AG (hereinafter the Licensee) has applied to the Canadian Transportation Agency (...
503-A-1998 | Decision | 1998-10-20
October 20, 1998
APPLICATION by Mandarin Airlines Ltd. requesting an extension of the authority granted by Licence No. 965008 until March 27, 1999.
File No. M4212/M162-3-1
Docket No. 980835
Mandarin Airlines Ltd. (hereinafter Mandarin) has applied to the Canadian Transportation Agency (...
504-A-1998 | Decision | 1998-10-20
October 20, 1998
APPLICATION by J H Aircraft Management, Inc. doing business as Jackson Hole Aviation for another suspension of Licence No. 967278.
File No. M4211/J114-2
Docket No. 980915
J H Aircraft Management, Inc. doing business as Jackson Hole Aviation (hereinafter the Licensee) has...
505-A-1998 | Decision | 1998-10-20