Browse decisions and determinations
This database contains all public Decisions, Determinations, Orders and certain interim Decisions made by the Canadian Transportation Agency since 1988. Some decisions are confidential and are not published.
Showing 101-110 of 878 decisions.
The suspension is no longer in effect by Decision No. 252-A-2008
November 16, 2007
APPLICATION by Delco Aviation Ltée for suspension of Licence Nos. 972081 and 970013.
File Nos. M4210/D12-1M4210/D12-2
Delco Aviation Ltée (hereinafter the Licensee) has applied to the Canadian Transportation...
579-A-2007 | Decision | 2007-11-16
November 16, 2007
IN THE MATTER OF an application by Threshold Air Charter, Inc. for an exemption from the application of subsection 84(2) of the Canada Transportation Act, S.C., 1996, c. 10, as amended.
File No. M4211/T364-2
Threshold Air Charter, Inc. (hereinafter the Licensee) has applied to...
2007-A-523 | Order | 2007-11-16
November 16, 2007
APPLICATION by Corsair for extra-bilateral authority pursuant to subsection 78(2) of the Canada Transportation Act, S.C., 1996, c. 10, as amended, to operate a scheduled international passenger service on the routes Paris, France/Québec, Quebec, Canada/Montréal, Quebec, Canada/...
582-A-2007 | Decision | 2007-11-16
November 16, 2007
APPLICATION by Air Transat A.T. Inc. carrying on business as Air Transat pursuant to subsection 78(2) of the Canada Transportation Act, S.C., 1996, c. 10, as amended, for extra-bilateral authority to operate 39 round-trip flights on a scheduled international basis on the routings...
583-A-2007 | Decision | 2007-11-16
November 15, 2007
IN THE MATTER OF the operation of a non-scheduled international service by Great Circle Aviation, Inc. - Licence No. 967342.
File No. M4211/G128-2
Pursuant to Licence No. 967342, Great Circle Aviation, Inc. (hereinafter the Licensee) is authorized to operate charter flights in...
2007-A-509 | Order | 2007-11-15
November 15, 2007
IN THE MATTER OF the operation of a domestic service by Pacific Wings Airlines Ltd. - Licence No. 020087.
File No. M4210/P326-1
Under Licence No. 020087, Pacific Wings Airlines Ltd. (hereinafter the Licensee) is authorized to operate a domestic service, small aircraft.
2007-A-510 | Order | 2007-11-15
The suspension is no longer in effect by Order No. 2007-A-553
November 14, 2007
IN THE MATTER OF the operation of a non-scheduled international service by Commercial Aviation Enterprises, Inc. - Licence No. 967331.
File No. M4211/C183-2
Pursuant to Licence No. 967331, Commercial Aviation...
2007-A-507 | Order | 2007-11-14
November 14, 2007
APPLICATION by Héli-Star Inc. for suspension of Licence No. 980043.
File No. M4210/H167-1
Héli-Star Inc. (hereinafter the Licensee) has applied to the Canadian Transportation Agency (hereinafter the Agency) for the suspension set out in the title. The application was received...
575-A-2007 | Decision | 2007-11-14
November 13, 2007
IN THE MATTER OF the operation of a domestic service by Versatile Helicopters Ltd. - Licence No. 030123.
File No. M4210/V99-1
Under Licence No. 030123, Versatile Helicopters Ltd. (hereinafter the Licensee) is authorized to operate a domestic service, small aircraft.
By Order No...
2007-A-506 | Order | 2007-11-13
The suspension is no longer in effect by Order No. 2008-A-58
November 13, 2007
IN THE MATTER OF the operation of a non-scheduled international service by Northwest Aircraft Rental, Inc. carrying on business as Aurora Aviation - Licence No. 967743.
File No. M4211/A240-2
Pursuant to Licence No....
2007-A-505 | Order | 2007-11-13