Browse decisions and determinations
This database contains all public Decisions, Determinations, Orders and certain interim Decisions made by the Canadian Transportation Agency since 1988. Some decisions are confidential and are not published.
Showing 121-130 of 878 decisions.
The suspension is no longer in effect by Order No. 2007-A-533
November 6, 2007
IN THE MATTER OF the operation of a non-scheduled international service by Air Rutter International LLC - Licence No. 070019.
File No. M4211/A1045-2
Pursuant to Licence No. 070019, Air Rutter International LLC (...
2007-A-496 | Order | 2007-11-06
November 5, 2007
IN THE MATTER OF Decision No. 563-AT-A-2004 dated October 25, 2004.
File No. U3570/00-41
In its Decision No. 563-AT-A-2004 dated October 25, 2004 (hereinafter the Decision), the Canadian Transportation Agency (hereinafter the Agency) made a determination with respect to an...
567-AT-A-2007 | Decision | 2007-11-05
November 5, 2007
IN THE MATTER OF the operation of a scheduled international service and a non-scheduled international service by "Varig", S.A. (Viaçào Aérea Rio-Grandense) VARIG Brazilian Airlines - Licence Nos. 975125 and 977278.
File Nos. M4212/V14-4M4212/V14-2
Under Licence No. 975125, "...
2007-A-494 | Order | 2007-11-05
November 5, 2007
APPLICATION by PWM Aviation Inc. for cancellation of Licence Nos. 060059 and 060060.
File Nos. M4210/P368-1M4210/P368-2
PWM Aviation Inc. (hereinafter the Licensee) has applied to the Canadian Transportation Agency (hereinafter the Agency) for the cancellation set out in the...
565-A-2007 | Decision | 2007-11-05
November 5, 2007
APPLICATION by Atai Air Charters Ltd. for another suspension of Licence No. 962251.
File No. M4210/A491-1
Atai Air Charters Ltd. (hereinafter the Licensee) has applied to the Canadian Transportation Agency (hereinafter the Agency) for the suspension set out in the title. The...
566-A-2007 | Decision | 2007-11-05
November 2, 2007
IN THE MATTER OF the suspension of Licence No. 970018 imposed by Order No. 2007-A-482 dated October 23, 2007 - Amalgamated Leasing, Inc. carrying on business as Bluffton Flying Service Co.
File No. M4211/B234-2
Pursuant to Licence No. 970018, Amalgamated Leasing, Inc. carrying...
2007-A-493 | Order | 2007-11-02
November 2, 2007
IN THE MATTER OF an application by Precision Jet Management, LLC for an exemption from the application of subsection 84(2) of the Canada Transportation Act, S.C., 1996, c. 10, as amended.
File No. M4211/P378-2
Precision Jet Management, LLC (hereinafter the Licensee) has applied...
2007-A-492 | Order | 2007-11-02
November 1, 2007
APPLICATION by Asiana Airlines Inc. carrying on business as Asiana Airlines (hereinafter Asiana), pursuant to section 32 of the Canada Transportation Act, S.C., 1996, c. 10, as amended, to amend the authority granted by Decision No. 528-A-2007 dated October 25, 2007, in order to...
562-A-2007 | Decision | 2007-11-01
The suspension is no longer in effect by Decision No. 301-A-2008
November 1, 2007
IN THE MATTER OF the operation of a domestic service and a non-scheduled international service by Kingston Flying Club - Licence Nos. 962399 and 967154.
File Nos. M4210/K26-1M4210/K26-2
Under Licence No. 962399,...
2007-A-491 | Order | 2007-11-01
October 31, 2007
APPLICATION by HMY Airways Inc. carrying on business as Harmony Airways for suspension of Licence Nos. 030027, 020137, 030025, 060113 and 060112.
File Nos. M4210/H210-1M4210/H210-2M4210/H210-3M4210/H210-4-1M4210/H210-4-2
HMY Airways Inc. carrying on business as Harmony Airways (...
557-A-2007 | Decision | 2007-10-31