Browse decisions and determinations
This database contains all public Decisions, Determinations, Orders and certain interim Decisions made by the Canadian Transportation Agency since 1988. Some decisions are confidential and are not published.
Showing 161-170 of 1241 decisions.
The suspension is no longer in effect by Order No. 2007-A-553
November 14, 2007
IN THE MATTER OF the operation of a non-scheduled international service by Commercial Aviation Enterprises, Inc. - Licence No. 967331.
File No. M4211/C183-2
Pursuant to Licence No. 967331, Commercial Aviation...
2007-A-507 | Order | 2007-11-14
November 14, 2007
APPLICATION by Héli-Star Inc. for suspension of Licence No. 980043.
File No. M4210/H167-1
Héli-Star Inc. (hereinafter the Licensee) has applied to the Canadian Transportation Agency (hereinafter the Agency) for the suspension set out in the title. The application was received...
575-A-2007 | Decision | 2007-11-14
November 13, 2007
IN THE MATTER OF the operation of a domestic service by Versatile Helicopters Ltd. - Licence No. 030123.
File No. M4210/V99-1
Under Licence No. 030123, Versatile Helicopters Ltd. (hereinafter the Licensee) is authorized to operate a domestic service, small aircraft.
By Order No...
2007-A-506 | Order | 2007-11-13
The suspension is no longer in effect by Order No. 2008-A-58
November 13, 2007
IN THE MATTER OF the operation of a non-scheduled international service by Northwest Aircraft Rental, Inc. carrying on business as Aurora Aviation - Licence No. 967743.
File No. M4211/A240-2
Pursuant to Licence No....
2007-A-505 | Order | 2007-11-13
November 13, 2007
IN THE MATTER OF the operation of a domestic service and a non-scheduled international service by 6094121 Canada Inc. carrying on business as Aviation 5-50 - Licence Nos. 040093 and 040094.
File Nos. M4210/A997-1M4210/A997-2
Under Licence No. 040093, 6094121 Canada Inc....
2007-A-504 | Order | 2007-11-13
November 13, 2007
APPLICATION by PF Collins Customs Broker Ltd., on behalf of OSG Overseas Ship Management (Canada) Inc., pursuant to the Coasting Trade Act, S.C., 1992, c. 31, for a licence to use the "AUSTRALIAN SPIRIT", a Bahamian tanker, to transport crude oil, for one voyage only, from...
574-W-2007 | Decision | 2007-11-13
November 13, 2007
IN THE MATTER OF the operation of a non-scheduled international service by Ohio Medical Transportation, Inc. carrying on business as MedFlight of Ohio - Licence No. 990042.
File No. M4211/M294-2
Pursuant to Licence No. 990042, Ohio Medical Transportation, Inc. carrying on...
573-A-2007 | Decision | 2007-11-13
November 13, 2007
APPLICATIONS by Orizon Aviation Québec Inc. pursuant to section 61 and subsection 73(1) of the Canada Transportation Act, S.C., 1996, c. 10, as amended, for licences to operate a domestic service, small aircraft and a non-scheduled international service, small aircraft.
File Nos...
572-A-2007 | Decision | 2007-11-13
November 9, 2007
IN THE MATTER OF an agreement between VIA Rail Canada Inc. and the Corporation of the Municipality of Chatham-Kent pursuant to subsection 101(2) of the Canada Transportation Act, S.C., 1996, c. 10, as amended, relating to the maintenance of the road crossing at Dauphin Road and...
2007-AGR-500 | Order | 2007-11-09
November 9, 2007
IN THE MATTER OF the suspension of Licence No. 977120 imposed by Order No. 2007-A-375 dated September 14, 2007 - Springfield Aircraft Charter and Sales, Inc.
File No. M4211/S366-2
Pursuant to Licence No. 977120, Springfield Aircraft Charter and Sales, Inc. (hereinafter the...
2007-A-503 | Order | 2007-11-09