American Airlines, Inc.
(A) Pursuant to section 180 of the Canada Transportation Act, SC 1996, c 10 (CTA), a designated enforcement officer has issued this notice of violation believing American Airlines, Inc. has committed 36 violations of failing to provide passengers affected by the delay and subsequent cancellation of flight number AA1415 with information regarding the compensation to which they may be entitled to for inconvenience, thereby contravening paragraph 13(1)(b) of the Air Passenger Protection Regulations (APPR).
These contraventions occurred on or about March 12, 2023.
(B) Pursuant to section 180 of the Canada Transportation Act, SC 1996, c 10 (CTA), a designated enforcement officer has issued this notice of violation believing American Airlines, Inc. has committed 36 violations of failing to provide passengers affected by the delay and subsequent cancellation of flight number AA1415 with information regarding the standards of treatment for passengers, thereby contravening paragraph 13(1)(c) of the Air Passenger Protection Regulations (APPR).
These contraventions occurred on or about March 12, 2023.
(C) Pursuant to section 180 of the Canada Transportation Act, SC 1996, c 10 (CTA), a designated enforcement officer has issued this notice of violation believing American Airlines, Inc. has committed 37 violations of failing to provide passengers affected by the delay and subsequent cancellation of flight number AA1415 with information regarding recourse available against the carrier, including their recourse to the Agency, thereby contravening paragraph 13(1)(d) of the Air Passenger Protection Regulations (APPR).
These contraventions occurred on or about March 12, 2023.
(D) Pursuant to section 180 of the Canada Transportation Act, SC 1996, c 10 (CTA), a designated enforcement officer has issued this notice of violation believing American Airlines, Inc. has committed 23 violations of failing to provide passengers affected by the delay and subsequent cancellation of flight number AA1415, who had waited two hours after the departure time that was indicated on their original ticket, food and drink in reasonable quantities, taking into account the length of the wait, the time of the day and the location of the passenger, thereby contravening paragraph 14(1)(a) of the Air Passenger Protection Regulations (APPR).
These contraventions occurred on or about March 12, 2023.
(E) Pursuant to section 180 of the Canada Transportation Act, SC 1996, c 10 (CTA), a designated enforcement officer has issued this notice of violation believing American Airlines, Inc. has committed 6 violations of failing to offer a passengers affected by the delay and subsequent cancellation of flight number AA1415, hotel or other comparable accommodation that is reasonable in relation to the location of the passenger, as well as transportation to the hotel or other accommodation and back to the airport, free of charge, while the passenger was required to wait overnight for their original flight or for a flight reserved as part of alternate travel arrangements, thereby contravening subsection 14(2) of the Air Passenger Protection Regulations (APPR).
These contraventions occurred on or about March 12, 2023.