FAQs: Railway Traffic Liability Regulations
1. What is the purpose of these regulations?
The Railway Traffic Liability Regulations identify the extent to which a railway company’s liability may be limited or restricted in respect of any traffic and prescribe the terms and conditions of the limitation or restriction.
2. What are the key elements of these regulations?
The Railway Traffic Liability Regulations identify the extent to which a railway company’s liability may be limited or restricted in respect of any traffic and prescribe the terms and conditions of the limitation or restriction, including:
- Stoppage in transit
- Liability of originating carrier
- Routing by carrier
- Valuation
- Owner's or shipper's risk
- Undelivered goods
- Carrier not represented by agent
- Goods of extraordinary value
- Dangerous goods
3. How do these regulations affect Canadian businesses?
If there is no agreement between a railway company that is engaged in the transportation of goods and a shipper for the movement of traffic, the railway company's liability is limited or restricted to the extent provided in the Railway Traffic Liability Regulations.
4. Where can I get more information?
For more information contact:
Canadian Transportation Agency
Ottawa, ON
K1A 0N9
Telephone: 1-888-222-2592
TTY: 1-800-669-5575
Fax: 819-997-6727
E-mail : info@otc-cta.gc.ca
Website: www.cta.gc.ca
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