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Organizational chart
Reporting to the Chair and Chief Executive Officer
- Vice-Chair and Members
- Chief of Staff
- Analysis and Outreach Branch
- Dispute Resolution Branch
- Determinations and Compliance Branch
- Enabling Services Branch
Agency branches
- Led by the Chief Strategy Officer, the Analysis and Outreach Branch comprises the following directorates:
- Analysis and Regulatory Reform
- Communications
- Centre of Expertise on Accessible Transportation
- Led by the Chief Compliance Officer, the Determinations and Compliance Branch comprises the following directorates:
- Air Determinations
- Rail and Marine Determinations
- Monitoring and Compliance
- Led by the Chief Dispute Resolution Officer, the Dispute Resolution Branch comprises:
- Air and Accessibility Alternate Dispute Resolution
- Rail and Marine ADR
- Dispute Adjudication
- Led by the General Counsel and Secretary, the Enabling Services Branch comprises the following directorates:
- Legal Services
- Secretariat and Registrar Services
- Financial Services and Asset Management
- Workforce and Workplace Services
- Information and Technology Management Services
- Date modified: