Decision No. 1988-MV-71
February 19, 1988
IN THE MATTER OF Joyline Transport Ltd. and 24 Hour Oilfield Sales & Supply Ltd.; and
IN THE MATTER OF section 27 of the National Transportation Act.
File No. MV-87-45
WHEREAS Joyline Transport Ltd., Medicine Hat, Alberta, gave notice on October 26, 1987, pursuant to section 27 of the National Transportation Act of its proposed acquisition of an interest in the business or undertaking of the 24 Hour Oilfield Sales & Supply Ltd., Kelowna, British Columbia.
WHEREAS Public Notice of the proposed acquisition was given in the Canada Gazette, Part I, Vol. 121 No. 52 (December 26, 1987) at page 4914.
WHEREAS a notice of the proposed acquisition was given to the Director of Investigation and Research, Bureau of Competition Policy, Consumer and Corporate Affairs.
WHEREAS in order that the investigation be initiated in respect of the said proposed acquisition, an objection must be made by a person affected on the grounds that it will unduly restrict competition or otherwise be prejudicial to the public interest.
WHEREAS no objection was served on or received in respect of the proposed acquisition.
WHEREAS the Agency is satisfied that the file on the said proposed acquisition be closed.
File No. MV-87-45 in respect of the proposed direct acquisition by Joyline Transport Ltd. of an interest in the business or undertaking of 24 Hour Oilfield Sales & Supply Ltd., is hereby closed.
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