Order No. 1988-R-116

February 24, 1988

February 24, 1988

IN THE MATTER OF the application of Westroc Industries Limited (hereinafter the Applicant), under the provisions of section 137 of the Railway Act, R.S.C. 1970, c. R-2, for authority to work their gypsum mine under the railway of Canadian Pacific Limited, between mileage 76.7 and mileage 77.3 Galt Subdivision, in Blenheim Township, Oxford County, in the Province of Ontario, as shown on the plan and profile submitted in the consultant's report prepared by Jack Parker and Associates Inc., dated May 24, 1986 and the projected mining plan "D" undated, on file with the Agency under File No. 20827.62.

File No. 20827.62

WHEREAS the Applicant has filed details of the proposed mining works to be executed and measures to be taken for the mining operations and the Agency is satisfied that their adoption will secure the protection and safety of the public.

UPON reading the submissions filed,


The Applicant is authorized to work the said mine under the railway of Canadian Pacific Limited as shown on the said projected mining plan and in the said consultant's report.

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