Order No. 1988-R-1192

December 20, 1988

December 20, 1988

IN THE MATTER OF Order No. 87666 of the Board of Transport Commissioners for Canada, dated December 21, 1955, approving a plan submitted to Canadian Pacific Limited by Imperial Oil Limited, showing the proposed location of pipe lines, pumping facilities, warehouse, four (4) 12,500 gallon capacity each vertical storage tanks and one (1) 1,000 gallon capacity horizontal storage tank and unloading point at Sidney, in the Province of Manitoba;

IN THE MATTER OF Order No. 99156 of the Board of Transport Commissioners for Canada, dated September 16, 1959, approving Imperial Oil Limited's proposed additional flammable liquid bulk storage facilities at Sidney, in the Province of Manitoba, near the tracks of Canadian Pacific Limited;

IN THE MATTER OF Order No. 114399 of the Board of Transport Commissioners for Canada, dated May 12, 1964, approving the location of Imperial Oil Limited's proposed additional flammable liquid bulk storage facilities at Sidney, in the Province of Manitoba, mileage 93.10 Carberry Subdivision of Canadian Pacific Limited; and

IN THE MATTER OF Order No. R-15304 of the Railway Transport Committee, dated November 20, 1972, approving the location of proposed additional facilities at Imperial Oil Limited's flammable liquid bulk marketing plant in Sidney, in the Province of Manitoba, near mileage 93.10 Carberry Subdivision of Canadian Pacific Limited.

File No. 28638.2.2604

WHEREAS the Agency has been advised that the above-mentioned facilities have been removed from the Railway Company's property.

UPON reading the submissions filed,


Order Nos. 87666, 99156 and 114399 of the Board of Transport Commissioners for Canada, dated December 21, 1955, September 16, 1959 and May 12, 1964 respectively, and Order No. R-15304 of the Railway Transport Committee, dated November 20, 1972, are hereby repealed.

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