Order No. 2008-A-565

December 23, 2008

December 23, 2008

IN THE MATTER OF Licence No. 070120 issued to The Owen Sound Transportation Company, Limited pursuant to section 61 of the Canada Transportation Act, S.C., 1996, c. 10, as amended.

File No. M4210/T338-1

By Decision No. 625-A-2008, the Canadian Transportation Agency (the Agency) reinstated The Owen Sound Transportation Company, Limited's (the Licensee) Licence No. 070120.

The Agency, in its review of the Licensee's application to reinstate its domestic licence, small aircraft, determined that a document issued to the Licensee by the Minister of Transport dated December 22, 2008, which refers to the agreement between the Licensee and Cameron Air Service Inc. dated December 19, 2008, is a Canadian aviation document within the meaning of the Canada Transportation Act (the CTA).

The Agency also determined that to ensure continued compliance with subparagraph 61(a)(ii) of the CTA, the Licensee should provide the Agency with any documentation that has the effect of altering or proposing to alter the agreement between the Licensee and Cameron Air Service Inc. or would indicate that the Licensee has entered into or is proposing to enter into a similar arrangement with a third party.

Accordingly, the Agency, pursuant to sections 25 and 28 of the CTA, requires the Licensee to provide the Agency with any documentation, immediately upon execution, that has the effect of altering or proposing to alter the agreement between the Licensee and Cameron Air Service Inc. or would indicate that the Licensee has entered into or is proposing to enter into a similar arrangement with a third party.

Further, the Licensee is prohibited from providing its domestic service, small aircraft under Licence No. 070120 using all or part of an aircraft, with flight crew, that have been provided to Cameron Air Service Inc. by another person.

This Order shall be affixed to Licence No. 070120 and shall remain in effect until further order of the Agency.

In addition, as the document issued to the Licensee by the Minister of Transport which refers to an agreement between the Licensee and Cameron Air Service Inc. dated December 20, 2007 is no longer valid, Order No. 2007-A-582 dated December 21, 2007 is no longer in effect.

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