Decision No. 320-AT-A-1999
June 10, 1999
IN THE MATTER OF Decision No. 360-AT-A-1998 dated July 15, 1998 - Ottawa MacDonald-Cartier Airport.
File No. U 3570/98-6
In its Decision No. 360-AT-A-1998 dated July 15, 1998, the Canadian Transportation Agency (hereinafter the Agency) determined that the lack of appropriate signage indicating the location of the TTY pay phone at the Ottawa MacDonald-Cartier Airport constituted an undue obstacle to the mobility of Henry Vlug. The Agency also determined that given the type of operation at the OAA the provision of only one TTY pay phone constitutes an undue obstacle to the travelling public requiring the use of these services.
Pursuant to Decision No. 360-AT-A-1998, the Agency required the Ottawa Macdonald-Cartier Airport Authority (hereinafter the OAA) to complete, no later than thirty (30) days from the date of the Decision, the installation of:
- the two TTY pay phones in the Domestic/International and United States Departure areas, including all appropriate signage; and
- one pay phone equipped with a TTY in the public departure area on the ground floor, or precise signage directing TTY users to the nearest TTY.
The OAA was required to provide to the Agency for its review, within sixty (60) days from the date of the Decision, a confirmation that installations have been completed and a report on the results of the OAA's research for a wall-mounted swivel type of chair and advise the Agency on action, if any, taken for the acquisition of the chair.
The Agency must determine if the actions taken by the OAA meet the requirements of Decision No. 360-AT-A-1998.
On August 26, 1998 the OAA provided the requested report. The report included photos of the TTYs and some of the directional signage and a terminal map. The OAA confirms that the installation of the two additional TTYs, one in the International/Domestic area and one in the United States Transborder area was completed on July 15, 1998. It submits that it has made considerable improvements in identifying the location of all three TTYs by providing multi-directional signage at many key locations throughout the terminal building, including the public departure area on the ground floor which indicates the location of the closest TTY pay phone.
In addition, the OAA has a Directory Board at the main entrance of the Terminal Building which indicates the location of specific services to all travellers. The board also indicates the location of the TTY phones.
With respect to the possibility of installing wall-mounted swivel chairs by the TTY pay phones, the OAA advises that, after consulting with its engineers, it was determined that it would be difficult to attach a swivel chair to the walls on which the TTYs are installed and to expect them to hold up under continued use. It is concerned with respect to liability, in the event an injury were to occur as a result of the swivel chair falling off the wall while in use. OAA is also concerned that a swivel chair could impede wheelchair access to the TTY pay phone.
Mr. Vlug expresses concern with the use of the ear-slash sign on all signage used by the OAA at the MacDonald-Cartier Airport. He states that the ear-slash is generally associated with volume controlled phones and a person needing a TTY would look for the keyboard sign.
In response thereto, the OAA advises that it consulted and applied the Canadian Standards Association, Barrier-Free Design, CAN/CSA-B651-95 (hereinafter Barrier Free Design) which provides guidelines on the appropriate access symbol directional signage to use.
Mr. Vlug reiterates that in his opinion, and even if the OAA complies with the Agency's decisions, access to TTYs is still inadequate. He states that as far as the OAA's assertion that the ear-slash signage meets the requirements of "Barrier-Free Design", this is an indication that the building code needs to be changed and he questions why only the OAA uses the ear-slash sign to indicate the location of TTYs while the keyboard sign is used in other terminals.
In making its findings, the Agency has considered all the evidence submitted by the parties.
With respect to the number of TTYs, the Agency notes that, with the installation of the two additional TTYs, the Ottawa MacDonald-Cartier Airport now has three TTYs. It also notes that these TTYs, found in the public passenger arrival area and in the two restricted arrival and departure areas of the terminal, are available 24 hours a day. Furthermore, the Agency is satisfied that the OAA has taken the appropriate action with the installation of signage throughout the terminal, including signage in the public departure area, on the Direction Board and the airport map regarding the location of TTYs in the terminal building.
The Agency notes the concern raised by Mr. Vlug with respect to the ear-slash sign as opposed to the keyboard sign. The Agency has reviewed the signage installed and is of the opinion that although the keyboard sign was not used, the OAA did meet the standards as set out by the Canadian Standards Association in its publication "Barrier-Free Design". As this standard was developed by the Canadian Standards Association, a copy of this Decision will be provided to the Canadian Standards Association for its information and future consideration.
The Agency agrees, however, that there is an inconsistency in the use of the ear-slash sign on the directional signage and the symbol "TTY/ATS" found on its airport maps. The OAA may wish to take Mr. Vlug's concern, as well as this inconsistency, into account when it considers upgrades or amendments to the existing signage.
With respect to the OAA's report on its research on wall-mounted swivel chairs by the TTYs, the Agency notes the concerns raised by the OAA and will not require the OAA to take any further action in this regard at this time. The Agency will, however, be studying terminal accessibility in the future and as part of that study will review possible solutions with interested parties.
The Agency is of the opinion that the OAA has met the requirements of Decision No. 360-AT-A-1998 and that the measures undertaken will enhance the accessibility of services at the Ottawa MacDonald-Cartier Airport for all travellers.
Based on the above, the Agency contemplates no further action with respect to this matter.
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