Decision No. 36-A-1989
January 25, 1989
APPLICATION by Minerve Canada, Compagnie de Transports Aériens Inc. carrying on business as Minerve Canada for a licence to operate a scheduled international service between Montreal (Mirabel International Airport), P.Q., Canada and Fort Lauderdale, Florida, U.S.A.
File No. M4895-M95-2
Docket No. 88606
Minerve Canada, Compagnie de Transports Aériens Inc. carrying on business as Minerve Canada (hereinafter the applicant) has applied to the National Transportation Agency for a licence to operate the service set out in the title.
The application was submitted pursuant to the Experimental Transborder Air Services Programme at Mirabel Airport agreed to by the Government of Canada and the Government of the United States of America in the exchange of letters dated March 13, 1986 and exchange of Diplomatic Notes NAX-0060 and 246 dated June 22, 1988 (hereinafter the Agreement).
Canadian air carriers are considered designated for the purpose of the Experimental Transborder Air Services Program pursuant to a letter from the Minister of Transport dated June 29, 1984.
The pertinent terms and conditions of the Agreement between the Government of Canada and the Government of the United States of America having been complied with, the Agency, in accordance with the provisions of the National Transportation Act, 1987, S.C. 1987, c. 34, will issue to Minerve Canada, Compagnie de Transports Aériens Inc. carrying on business as Minerve Canada a licence to operate a scheduled international service between Montreal (Mirabel International Airport), P.Q., Canada and Fort Lauderdale, Florida, U.S.A.
The Agency deems it in the public interest to include the terms and conditions set out below in the licence to be issued, to reflect the terms of the Agreement.
The licence to be issued pursuant to this Decision shall, in addition to the conditions prescribed by the Air Transportation Regulations, SOR 88-58, be subject to the following terms and conditions:
- The Licensee is authorized to serve the points Montreal (Mirabel International Airport), P.Q., Canada and Fort Lauderdale, Florida, U.S.A.
- The operation of the scheduled international service authorized herein shall be conducted subject to the provisions of the Agreement and to any arrangements related thereto as may be agreed to between Canada and the United States of America.
- Unless terminated at an earlier date, this licence shall terminate on March 13, 1990 or, should the Agreement be terminated or changed in such a manner as to affect the services authorized herein, the licence shall terminate one year from the date of such termination or change.
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