Decision No. 41-A-2002

January 25, 2002

January 25, 2002

APPLICATION by Athabaska Airways Ltd. for cancellation of Licence Nos. 962501, 965009 and 967218.

File Nos. M4210/A224-1

Docket Nos. 020048

Athabaska Airways Ltd. (hereinafter the Licensee) has applied to the Canadian Transportation Agency (hereinafter the Agency) for the cancellation set out in the title. The application was received on January 16, 2002.

Under Licence No. 962501, the Licensee is authorized to operate a domestic service, small aircraft.

Under Licence No. 965009, the Licensee is authorized to operate a scheduled international service, small aircraft, between points in Canada and points in the United States of America.

Under Licence No. 967218, the Licensee is authorized to operate a non-scheduled international service, small aircraft, to transport traffic on a charter basis between Canada and any other country.

Pursuant to paragraphs 63(2)(b), 72(2)(b) and 75(2)(b) of the Canada Transportation Act, S.C., 1996, c. 10 (hereinafter the CTA), the Agency may suspend or cancel a domestic licence, a scheduled international licence and a non-scheduled international licence in accordance with a request from the Licensee for the suspension or cancellation.

The Agency has considered the application and, pursuant to paragraphs 63(2)(b), 72(2)(b) and 75(2)(b) of the CTA, hereby cancels Licence Nos. 962501, 965009 and 967218.

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