Decision No. 488-A-1988

December 19, 1988

December 19, 1988

APPLICATION by Seymour Air Ltd. for cancellation of the authority to operate fixed wing aircraft in Group A under Licence Nos. A.T.C. 3296/81(C) and A.T.C. 745/81(CF).


File Nos. 2-S751-1A

Under Licence No. A.T.C. 3296/81(C), Seymour Air Ltd. (hereinafter the applicant) is authorized to operate a Class 4 Charter domestic service using fixed wing aircraft in Groups A, B and C, from a base at Kamloops, British Columbia.

Under Licence No. A.T.C. 745/81(CF), the applicant is authorized to operate a Class 9-4 Charter non-scheduled international service using fixed wing aircraft in Groups A and B.

By facsimile dated December 2, 1988, the applicant has requested the cancellation of the authority to operate fixed wing aircraft in Group A under Licence Nos. A.T.C. 3296/81(C) and A.T.C. 745/81(CF).

The Agency has reviewed the application and considers it appropriate to cancel the authority to operate fixed wing aircraft in Group A under Licence Nos. A.T.C. 3296/81(C) and A.T.C. 745/81(CF). The application is hereby approved.

The authority to operate fixed wing aircraft in Group A under Licence Nos. A.T.C. 3296/81(C) and A.T.C. 745/81(CF) is hereby cancelled pursuant to subsections 75(2) and 97(2), respectively, of the National Transportation Act, 1987, S.C. 1987, c. 34.

A licence to operate a Class 4 domestic service from a base at Kamloops, British Columbia, will be issued to Seymour Air Ltd. upon the applicant establishing to the satisfaction of the Agency that it meets the requirements set out in paragraph 72(2)(a) of the National Transportation Act, 1987.

The replacement licence to be issued pursuant to subsection 109(3) of the National Transportation Act, 1987, shall pursuant to this Decision, be subject to the following condition:

The Licensee is authorized to use fixed wing aircraft in Groups B and C.

A licence to operate a Class 9-4 Charter non-scheduled international service will be issued to Seymour Air Ltd. upon the applicant establishing to the satisfaction of the Agency that it meets the requirements set out in subsection 94(1) of the National Transportation Act, 1987.

The replacement licence to be issued pursuant to subsection 109(3) of the National Transportation Act, 1987, shall pursuant to this Decision, be subject to the following condition:

The Licensee is authorized to use fixed wing aircraft in Group B.

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