Decision No. 618-A-1996
December 31, 1996
APPLICATION by Drainville Aviation Inc. to lift the suspension of Licence Nos. 920282, 920283 and 920284 imposed by Decision No. 101-A-1996 dated February 15, 1996.
File Nos. M4205/D73-4-1
Docket Nos. 962497
Drainville Aviation Inc. (hereinafter the Licensee) has applied to the Canadian Transportation Agency to lift the suspension set out in the title. The application was received on October 21, 1996 and was complete and ready for processing on December 24, 1996.
Under NTA Licence No. 920282, the Licensee is authorized to operate a Class 4 Charter domestic service using fixed wing aircraft in Group A, from a base at Louiseville, Quebec.
Under NTA Licence No. 920283, the Licensee is authorized to operate a domestic service.
Under NTA Licence No. 920284, the Licensee is authorized to operate a Class 9-4 Charter non-scheduled international service using fixed wing aircraft in Group A.
By Decision No. 101-A-1996 dated February 15, 1996, NTA Licence Nos. 920282, 920283 and 920284 were suspended pursuant to subsections 75(2) and 97(2), as applicable, of the National Transportation Act, 1987, R.S.C., 1985, c. 28 (3rd Supp.).
With respect to the services authorized under the aforementioned licences, the Agency notes that the Canada Transportation Act, S.C., 1996, c. 10 (hereinafter the CTA) establishes a uniform domestic licensing regime for all of Canada. Further, as a result of amendments made to the Air Transportation Regulations, SOR/88-58, the classification of aircraft and air services has been amended. Accordingly, the Licensee will be authorized to operate its existing domestic services under one licence using small aircraft. In addition, its Class 9-4 Charter non-scheduled international service is now considered to be a non-scheduled international service.
The Agency has reviewed the application and is satisfied that the Licensee meets the licence issuance requirements set out in paragraphs 61(a) and 73(1)(a) of the CTA, as applicable.
Accordingly, the Agency is of the opinion that the suspension imposed by Decision No. 101-A-1996 should be lifted.
The suspension of NTA Licence Nos. 920282, 920283 and 920284 imposed by Decision No. 101-A-1996 dated February 15, 1996 is hereby lifted.
The Canadian Transportation Agency will issue replacement Licence Nos. 962563 and 967267 to Drainville Aviation Inc. authorizing it to operate a domestic service, small aircraft and a non-scheduled international service, respectively.
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