Letter Decision No. LET-R-176-1999

June 25, 1999

Application by the Canadian National Railway Company for the proposed construction of a spur line in Rosetown, Saskatchewan, extending from mileage 0.00 to mileage 0.31 with headblock at mileage 63.65 Rosetown Subdivision

File No.: 
R 8195/626-063.65

The Canadian Transportation Agency (the Agency), on June 21, 1999, received the Canadian National Railway Company's (CN) completed application pursuant to the provisions of section 98 of the Canada Transportation Act. Also provided in support of its application was an environmental impact assessment dated June 1999 prepared pursuant to the provisions of the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act.

In its application, CN requests the Agency to abridge the intervention period from thirty (30) to fifteen (15) days from the time of filing of its application to allow intervenors to present answers or comments.

The Agency notes that, among other things:

  • public notice appeared in advance of the application in The Saskatoon Star Phoenix and The Rosetown Eagle on June 1 and 7, 1999 respectively providing notice of the proposal, disclosure of initial plans and an invitation to potential intervenors to identify themselves so that copies of the application could be served simultaneously on filing of the application to the Agency;
  • notices of the proposed railway work pursuant to section 8 of the Railway Safety Acthave been served and work has already commenced with Transport Canada to determine the level of protection needed for the crossing of Highway No. 7;
  • a notice informing the public of the project was posted on June 2 and 7, 1999 which notice invited interventions regarding the location of the proposed spur track; and
  • full particulars of the proposal including location plans and other information have been made available for public distribution from CN or at the offices of the Rural Municipality of St. Andrews as of the date of the filing of CN's application.

Given that the public at large will have had the benefit of thirty (30) days to become aware of the project, review initial plans, receive copies of the application and voice any comments in connection with the application as of June 2nd, 1999, the Agency abridges the intervention period for the filing of submissions regarding this application to July 6, 1999. CN will then have ten (10) days within which to file any reply to any submission filed following the closing of the abridged intervention period.

A preliminary review of the application and environmental impact assessment is being carried out by the Agency. If additional information or clarification is required, the Agency has instructed its staff to directly communicate with you.

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